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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2021 in Posts

  1. Source MartySama 2017, a pedido de muitas famílias. Já vou fazer download e verificar se a estrutura está completa e pronta a compilar. Links Informações: Link Download: Link VirusTotal: Link Créditos: Xenoq
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  2. AddictMt2 serverfiles View File Informações: tlthings.net Submitter [Admin] tierrilopes Submitted 08/17/18 Category Serverfiles  
    1 point
  3. Olá pessoal. Bem, hoje venho aqui postar a source do Ira que esta bastante limpa pelo que vi ele removeu tudo que era possível da source Ymir, então vamos lá pra você compilar a source Ira vai precisar baixar no FreeBSD 10.4 \ 11.1: # pkg install clang38 gmake Adicionar o Makefile em Ira Work\source\server\source\Makefile e adicionar permissão 777 ao Makefile. Download do Makefile Comandos: gmake libs - Compila todas as libs gmake db - Compila a DB core gmake game - Compila a GAME core gmake clean - Limpa todas as sources gmake all - Compila todas as sources Agora pra você compilar a source do cliente vai precisar baixar o Visual Studio Community 2015. Download Source Ira Download do Metin2_PT_r40267_Client Download do Pack Cliente (BR <-> PT) Senha: tlthings.net Informações sobre a Source Ira: Source Ira testada - Work.
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  4. Fix crash core: Open input_main.cpp and search: PCHARACTER m_pkChrTarget = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(p->dwVID); Add under that function this: if (!ch || !m_pkChrTarget) return; Need looks like this: Download 1 : http://www.mediafire.com/file/rbbzy0t8c4d0s8b/Target_Information_System.rar Download 2 : http://www.girlshare.ro/3489671292.8 Good luck
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  6. Olá! Hoje, trago a vocês, uma versão da Evolution Software. Serverfilles Versão 2018/19 Completa. - Algumas Imagens: Cliente Fechado Source BIN Source GAME/DB MakePack Cliente Aberto Game: AutoPatch - DESIGN CROWN Dump Proto:
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  7. Deixo aqui duas Interfaces criadas pelo/a Aza Hatiras.Interface 1:Interface 2:Créditos: Aza Hatiras interface 1.7z interface 2.7z
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  8. Não tem: -Lycan -Offline Shop -Pet system https://mega.nz/#!gUZXVYLD!7S6lfnmoYTarlDCRzfGRwNnVj3Zg5HQ6zGiq6P6H5Mc São Files 40K Limpas e básicas para começar um servidor. Não as testei mas tenho a confirmação que trabalham. Se alguém as utilizar por favor dê uma opinião. Fonte: Inforge
    1 point
  9. Olá galera, tudo bem com vocês? Meu problema é o seguinte: No meu cliente, tenho instalado o switchbot do Mijago 2.3, porém no add 6/7 ele só consegue parar em somente 1 add que eu coloco, como na foto abaixo: Mas quando eu tento colocar dois adds, o switch fica em um loop infinito, ou seja, ele não consegue parar nos dois bônus que eu coloquei, eu já testei e ele passa direto! Lembrando que esse problema só acontece com os adds 6/7, os adds verdes estão normais. Tenho uma leve impressão que o problema esteja nas seguintes funções: def checkSwitch_rare(self): def GetProb_rare(self): Alguém pode ajudar? Abaixo está o código do switch: import shop import player import item import ui import net import localeinfo as locale import chat import grp import wndMgr import mouseModule from uitooltip import ItemToolTip # Switchbot by Mijago ; v 2.2.1 WEAR_NAMES = ItemToolTip.WEAR_NAMES AFFECT_DICT = ItemToolTip.AFFECT_DICT ### Hier die Boni angeben, die auf dem Server Ativoiert sind. Die angegebene Liste ist nur ein Beispiel und MUSS angepasst werden! BONI_AVAIL = [1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,37,39,41,43,44,45,48,53,59,60,61,62,63,71,72,78,79,80,81] # Hier 6/7 Boni angeben! BONI_RARE_AVAIL = [1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,37,39,41,43,44,45,48,53,59,60,61,62,63,71,72,78,79,80,81] # Das Switch-Item SWITCH_VNUM = 71084 SWITCH_RARE_VNUM = 71052 # Die folgenden zahlen geben den MINMAX Bereich des Reglers an, der die Tempo angibt. MIN_SWITCH_DELAY = 35 MAX_SWITCH_DELAY_APPEND = 120 # Max 10!! MAX_NUM = 7 proposals = { 1: { # 1 = Weapon "PVP (Koerper)":[ [9,10], [15,10], [17,10], [16,10], [5,8], [3,8], ], "PVP (Mental)":[ [9,10], [15,10], [17,10], [6,8], [5,10], [16,10], ], "PVM": [ [5,10], [19,20], ], }, 2: [ # Armor [ #BODY, ], [ #HEAD, ], [ #SHIELD, ], [ #WRIST, ], [ #FOOTS, ], [ #NECK, ], [ #EAR, ], ], } # Farben :) # COLOR_BG = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) # COLOR_INACTIVE = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2) # COLOR_ACTIVE = grp.GenerateColor(0.1, 0.6, 1.0, 0.2) # COLOR_FINISHED = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.8, 1.0, 0.3) # COLOR_INACTIVE_RARE = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.2) # COLOR_ACTIVE_RARE = grp.GenerateColor(0.2, 0.7, 1.0, 0.2) # COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_RARE = grp.GenerateColor(0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 0.05) # COLOR_PIN_HINT = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.3) # COLOR_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.1) # COLOR_CHECKBOX_SELECTED = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3) # Standardfarben: COLOR_BG = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) COLOR_INACTIVE = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2) COLOR_ACTIVE = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2) COLOR_FINISHED = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2) COLOR_INACTIVE_RARE = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2) COLOR_ACTIVE_RARE = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.7, 0.2, 0.2) COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_RARE = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.05) COLOR_PIN_HINT = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.3) COLOR_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1) COLOR_CHECKBOX_SELECTED = grp.GenerateColor(0.3, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3) DISTANCE_BOTTOM = 36 class Bar(ui.Bar): def __init__(self,layer = "UI"): ui.Bar.__init__(self,layer) def SetColor(self,color): wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, color) self.color = color class BonusSelector(ui.Bar): def Activate(self): self.sub_parent.resetSwitch() self.Status_new.SetColor(COLOR_ACTIVE) self.sub_parent.StatusBar.SetColor(COLOR_ACTIVE) self.sub_parent.StatusText.SetText("Ativo") self.Starter.SetText("Switch ("+str(self.index+1)+") Parar") self.sub_parent.boni_active = 1 if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.swib_normal.SetColor(COLOR_ACTIVE) pass def Deactivate(self): self.sub_parent.resetSwitch() self.Status_new.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.sub_parent.StatusBar.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.sub_parent.StatusText.SetText("Inativo") self.Starter.SetText("Switch ("+str(self.index+1)+") Iniciar") self.sub_parent.boni_active = 0 if self.sub_parent.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.swib_normal.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) pass def Activate_rare(self): self.sub_parent.resetSwitch_rare() self.sub_parent.StatusBar_rare.SetColor(COLOR_ACTIVE_RARE) self.sub_parent.StatusText_rare.SetText("6/7 Ativo") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetText("6/7 Parado") self.sub_parent.boni_rare_active = 1 if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.swib_rare.SetColor(COLOR_ACTIVE_RARE) pass def Deactivate_rare(self): self.sub_parent.resetSwitch_rare() # self.Status_new.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.sub_parent.StatusBar_rare.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE_RARE) self.sub_parent.StatusText_rare.SetText("6/7 Inativo") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetText("6/7 Iniciar") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetUp() self.sub_parent.boni_rare_active = 0 if self.sub_parent.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.swib_rare.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE_RARE) pass def Finish(self): self.Status_new.SetColor(COLOR_FINISHED) self.sub_parent.StatusBar.SetColor(COLOR_FINISHED) self.sub_parent.StatusText.SetText("Pronto") self.Starter.SetText("Switch ("+str(self.index+1)+") Continuar") self.sub_parent.boni_active = 0 if self.sub_parent.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.swib_normal.SetColor(COLOR_FINISHED) pass def Finish_rare(self): # self.Status_new.SetColor(COLOR_FINISHED) self.sub_parent.StatusBar_rare.SetColor(COLOR_FINISHED) self.sub_parent.StatusText_rare.SetText("6/7 Pronto") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetText("6/7 Continuar") self.sub_parent.boni_rare_active = 0 if self.sub_parent.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.swib_rare.SetColor(COLOR_FINISHED) pass def Block(self): self.BlockBar.Show() self.BlockBar.sub.Show() self.Starter.Hide() pass def Unblock(self): self.BlockBar.sub.Hide() self.BlockBar.Hide() self.Starter.Show() pass def enable_rare_boni(self): for i in range(0,4): self.boni[6][i].Show() self.boni[7][i].Show() self.Starter.SetPosition(0,140+45) self.bg_rare_boni.Show() self.bg_rare_boni_but.Show() self.Starter_rare_boni.Show() self.sub_parent.StatusBar_rare.Show() if self.sub_parent.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.Enable_rare(1) def disable_rare_boni(self): for i in range(0,4): self.boni[6][i].Hide() self.boni[7][i].Hide() self.Starter.SetPosition(0,140) self.bg_rare_boni.Hide() self.bg_rare_boni_but.Hide() self.Starter_rare_boni.Hide() self.sub_parent.StatusBar_rare.Hide() self.Deactivate_rare() if self.sub_parent.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.sub_parent.blockBar.Enable_rare(0) def __init__(self,sub_parent): ui.Bar.__init__(self, "UI") self.sub_parent = sub_parent self.index = sub_parent.index self.SetColor(COLOR_BG) #Define bg do item adicionado self.SetSize(500,290+10) self.boni = {} self.Status_new = ui.Bar() self.Status_new.SetParent(self) self.Status_new.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.Status_new.SetSize(500,5) self.Status_new.Show() self.bg_rare_boni = ui.Bar() self.bg_rare_boni.SetColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_RARE) self.bg_rare_boni.SetParent(self) self.bg_rare_boni.SetPosition(0,132) self.bg_rare_boni.SetSize(500,51) self.bg_rare_boni.Hide() self.bg_rare_boni_but = ui.Bar() self.bg_rare_boni_but.SetColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_RARE) self.bg_rare_boni_but.SetParent(self) self.bg_rare_boni_but.SetPosition(400,133+50) self.bg_rare_boni_but.SetSize(100,25) self.bg_rare_boni_but.Hide() self.EnableRareBoni = CheckBox("6/7 Mostrar") self.EnableRareBoni.SetParent(self) self.EnableRareBoni.SetPosition(10,250) self.EnableRareBoni.eventUp = self.disable_rare_boni self.EnableRareBoni.eventDown = self.enable_rare_boni self.EnableRareBoni.Show() self.Starter = ui.ToggleButton() self.Starter.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.Starter.SetParent(self) self.Starter.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/XLarge_Button_01.sub") self.Starter.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/XLarge_button_02.sub") self.Starter.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/XLarge_button_03.sub") self.Starter.SetPosition(0,140) self.Starter.SetText("Switch Iniciar") self.Starter.SetToggleDownEvent(self.Activate) self.Starter.SetToggleUpEvent(self.Deactivate) self.Starter.Show() self.Starter_rare_boni = ui.ToggleButton() self.Starter_rare_boni.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.Starter_rare_boni.SetParent(self) self.Starter_rare_boni.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Large_Button_01.sub") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Large_button_02.sub") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Large_button_03.sub") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetPosition(200,140+45) self.Starter_rare_boni.SetText("6/7 Iniciar") self.Starter_rare_boni.SetToggleDownEvent(self.Activate_rare) self.Starter_rare_boni.SetToggleUpEvent(self.Deactivate_rare) self.Starter_rare_boni.Hide() for i in range(7,5,-1): vas = i self.boni[vas] = {} self.boni[vas][0] = ui.TextLine() self.boni[vas][0].SetParent(self) self.boni[vas][0].SetText("Bonus "+str(vas)) self.boni[vas][0].SetPosition(15,10+25*(vas-1)) self.boni[vas][0].Hide() self.boni[vas][1] = DropDown(self,"- Nenhuma -") self.boni[vas][1].SetPosition(70,10+25*(vas-1)) for x in AFFECT_DICT: if x in BONI_RARE_AVAIL: self.boni[vas][1].AppendItem(str(AFFECT_DICT[x](0)),x) self.boni[vas][1].SetSize(330,20) self.boni[vas][1].Hide() self.boni[vas][2] = ui.Bar("UI") self.boni[vas][2].SetParent(self) self.boni[vas][2].SetPosition(410,10+25*(vas-1)) self.boni[vas][2].SetColor(0xC0000000) self.boni[vas][2].SetSize(80,20) self.boni[vas][2].Hide() self.boni[vas][3] = Edit2("0",14) self.boni[vas][3].SetParent(self.boni[vas][2]) self.boni[vas][3].SetNumberMode() self.boni[vas][3].SetSize(80,20) self.boni[vas][3].SetPosition(4,3) self.boni[vas][3].Hide() for i in range(0,5): vas = 5-i self.boni[vas] = {} self.boni[vas][0] = ui.TextLine() self.boni[vas][0].SetParent(self) self.boni[vas][0].SetText("Bonus "+str(vas)) self.boni[vas][0].SetPosition(15,10+25*(vas-1)) self.boni[vas][0].Show() self.boni[vas][1] = DropDown(self,"- Nenhuma -") self.boni[vas][1].SetPosition(70,10+25*(vas-1)) for x in AFFECT_DICT: if x in BONI_AVAIL: self.boni[vas][1].AppendItem(str(AFFECT_DICT[x](0)),x) self.boni[vas][1].SetSize(330,20) self.boni[vas][1].Show() self.boni[vas][2] = ui.Bar("UI") self.boni[vas][2].SetParent(self) self.boni[vas][2].SetPosition(410,10+25*(vas-1)) self.boni[vas][2].SetColor(0xC0000000) self.boni[vas][2].SetSize(80,20) self.boni[vas][2].Show() self.boni[vas][3] = Edit2("0",14) self.boni[vas][3].SetParent(self.boni[vas][2]) self.boni[vas][3].SetNumberMode() self.boni[vas][3].SetSize(80,20) self.boni[vas][3].SetPosition(4,3) self.boni[vas][3].Show() self.but_propose = DropDown(self,'Sugestões',0) self.but_propose.SetParent(self) self.but_propose.SetPosition(380,210) self.but_propose.OnChange=self.change_boni # self.but_propose.Show() self.BlockBar = ui.Bar() self.BlockBar.SetParent(self) self.BlockBar.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.BlockBar.SetPosition(0,5) self.BlockBar.SetSize(500,170-5+35+2) self.BlockBar.Hide() self.BlockBar.sub = ui.Bar() self.BlockBar.sub.SetParent(self) self.BlockBar.sub.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.BlockBar.sub.SetPosition(500-122,5+170-5+35+2) self.BlockBar.sub.SetSize(122,30) self.BlockBar.sub.Hide() self.BlockText = ui.TextLine() self.BlockText.SetParent(self.BlockBar) self.BlockText.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.BlockText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.BlockText.SetPosition(0,140) self.BlockText.SetText("Você não pode mudar este item.") self.BlockText.Show() self.prepare_propose() def change_boni(self): use = self.but_propose.DropList.GetSelectedItem().value bon = 1 item.SelectItem(self.sub_parent.vnum) for x in use: # TODO: Check if bonus exists on item!! ok = 1 for i in xrange(item.ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM): (affectType, affectValue) = item.GetAffect(i) if affectType == x[0]: ok = 0 if ok == 0: continue y = self.boni[bon][1] y.SelectByAffectId(x[0]) self.boni[bon][1].act.SetText(y.DropList.GetSelectedItem().textBox.GetText()) self.boni[bon][3].SetText(str(x[1])) bon+=1 for x in range(bon,6): y = self.boni[x][1].DropList y.SelectIndex(0) self.boni[x][1].act.SetText(y.GetSelectedItem().textBox.GetText()) self.boni[x][3].SetText("0") def prepare_propose(self): self.but_propose.DropList.RemoveAllItems() self.but_propose.maxh = 95 self.but_propose.c = 0 self.but_propose.AppendItem("Vazio",[]) item.SelectItem(self.sub_parent.vnum) type = item.GetItemType() use = proposals[type] if type == 2: use = use[item.GetItemSubType()] for prop in use: self.but_propose.AppendItem(prop,use[prop]) class ItemTabBar(ui.Window): class BlockBar(ui.Window): size_res = 32 multi = 1 def SetSize(self,i=1): self.multi = i ui.Window.SetSize(self,self.size_res,self.size_res*i) if self.rare_enabled == 1: self.swib_normal.SetSize(self.size_res,self.size_res*i/3*2) pos1 = int(1.0*self.size_res*i/3.0*2.0) self.swib_normal.SetSize(self.size_res,pos1) self.swib_rare.SetSize(self.size_res,self.size_res*i-pos1) self.swib_rare.SetPosition(0,pos1) self.swib_rare.Show() else: self.swib_normal.SetSize(self.size_res,self.size_res*i) self.swib_rare.Hide() def Enable_rare(self,o = 1): self.rare_enabled = o self.SetSize(self.multi) def __init__(self): ui.Window.__init__(self) self.rare_enabled = 0 self.swib_normal = ui.Bar() self.swib_normal.SetParent(self) self.swib_normal.SetSize(self.size_res,self.size_res*self.multi) self.swib_normal.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.swib_normal.SetPosition(0,0) self.swib_normal.Show() self.swib_rare = ui.Bar() self.swib_rare.SetParent(self) self.swib_rare.SetSize(self.size_res,self.size_res) self.swib_rare.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE_RARE) self.swib_rare.SetPosition(0,0) self.swib_rare.Hide() self.SetSize(1) class ItemTab(ui.Bar): height_selected = 36*3+8 height_unselected = 36*3+5 def Destroy(self): self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_speed.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_show_rare.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_rebuy.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) # self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_stop_all.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_duration.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) # self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_deactivate_all.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) # self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_deactivate_all.Hide() self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.Hide() self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_speed.Hide() self.bonusSelector.Hide() self.bonusSelector.__del__() self.Hide() self.__del__() def DeleteMe(self): self.parentWindow.DeleteTab(self.tabnum) def __init__(self,parent,tabnum,index = 0,vnum = 0): ## Init ItemTab ui.Bar.__init__(self) self.SetColor(COLOR_BG) self.SetSize(self.width,self.height_unselected) self.index = index self.tabnum = tabnum self.vnum = vnum self.count = 0 self.count_rare = 0 self.parentWindow = parent self.SetParent(parent) if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.blockBar = ItemTabBar.BlockBar() self.blockBar.SetParent(self.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow.interface.wndInventory.wndItem) ipi = self.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow.interface.wndInventory.inventoryPageIndex self.blockBar.Show() ip2 = self.index - ipi*45 self.blockBar.SetPosition(((ip2-int(ip2/5)*5)*self.blockBar.size_res),int(ip2/5)*self.blockBar.size_res) self.ItemIcon = ui.ImageBox() self.ItemIcon.SetParent(self) self.ItemIcon.AddFlag("not_pick") self.ItemIcon.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.ItemIcon.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.ItemIcon.Show() self.SlotName = ui.TextLine() self.SlotName.SetParent(self) self.SlotName.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.SlotName.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.SlotName.SetPosition(0,5) self.SlotName.SetText("Slot %d" % (self.index+1)) self.SlotName.AddFlag("not_pick") self.SlotName.Show() self.StatusBar = Bar() # Special Bar self.StatusBar.SetParent(self) self.StatusBar.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() self.StatusBar.SetSize(self.width,20) self.StatusBar.SetPosition(0,20) self.StatusBar.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE) self.StatusBar.AddFlag("not_pick") self.StatusBar.Show() self.StatusText = ui.TextLine() self.StatusText.SetParent(self.StatusBar) # self.StatusText.SetParent(self) self.StatusText.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.StatusText.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.StatusText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.StatusText.SetVerticalAlignCenter() self.StatusText.SetPosition(0,0) self.StatusText.SetText("Inativo") self.StatusText.Show() self.StatusBar_rare = Bar() # Special Bar self.StatusBar_rare.SetParent(self) self.StatusBar_rare.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() self.StatusBar_rare.SetSize(self.width,20) self.StatusBar_rare.SetPosition(0,40) self.StatusBar_rare.SetColor(COLOR_INACTIVE_RARE) self.StatusBar_rare.AddFlag("not_pick") self.StatusBar_rare.Hide() self.StatusText_rare = ui.TextLine() self.StatusText_rare.SetParent(self.StatusBar_rare) self.StatusText_rare.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.StatusText_rare.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.StatusText_rare.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.StatusText_rare.SetVerticalAlignCenter() self.StatusText_rare.SetPosition(0,0) self.StatusText_rare.SetText("6/7 Inativo") self.StatusText_rare.Show() self.CloseBut = ui.Button() self.CloseBut.SetParent(self) self.CloseBut.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub") self.CloseBut.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub") self.CloseBut.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub") self.CloseBut.SetToolTipText("Fechar", 0, -23) self.CloseBut.SetEvent(self.DeleteMe) self.CloseBut.SetPosition(0,0) self.CloseBut.Show() self.OnMouseLeftButtonDown = lambda: self.Select() self.boni_active = 0 self.boni_rare_active = 0 self.bonusSelector = BonusSelector(self) self.bonusSelector.SetParentProxy(self.parentWindow.parentWindow) self.bonusSelector.SetPosition(10,35+36*3+4*2) self.bonusSelector.Hide() self.vnum = 0 self.SetIndex(index) self.resetSwitch() self.resetSwitch_rare() def IsActive(self): return self.boni_active == 1 def IsActive_rare(self): return self.boni_rare_active == 1 def SetParentProxy(self,parent): ui.Bar.SetParentProxy(self,parent) def Select(self): for a in self.parentWindow.tabList: self.parentWindow.tabList[a].UnSelect() self.parentWindow.tabList[a].bonusSelector.Hide() self.bonusSelector.Show() self.SetSize(self.width,self.height_selected) self.Update() # self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_deactivate_all.SetParent(self.bonusSelector) # self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_deactivate_all.SetPosition(415-10,200+10) # self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_deactivate_all.Show() self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.SetParent(self.bonusSelector) #Define a posição do botão de repetir compra self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.SetPosition(10,266+10) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.Show() self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_speed.SetParent(self.bonusSelector) #Define a posição do botão de velocidade self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_speed.SetPosition(0,270+10) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.but_speed.Show() self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_show_rare.SetParent(self.bonusSelector) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_rebuy.SetParent(self.bonusSelector) # self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_stop_all.SetParent(self.bonusSelector) self.parentWindow.parentWindow.help_duration.SetParent(self.bonusSelector) def UnSelect(self): self.SetSize(self.width,self.height_unselected) self.Update() def Update(self): self.StatusBar.SetPosition(0,20) self.SetPosition((self.width+self.dist)*self.tabnum,0) self.SlotName.SetText("Slot %d" % (self.index+1)) def resetSwitch(self): self.values = [0,0,0,0,0] def resetSwitch_rare(self): self.values_rare = [0,0] # last_switch = -1 rebuyed = 0 def nachkauf(self): if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.buyed != 0: return else: self.parentWindow.parentWindow.buyed = 1 if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.checked == 1: for i in range(0,shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): me = shop.GetItemID(i) if me == SWITCH_VNUM: if shop.GetItemPrice(i) > player.GetMoney(): # chat.AppendChat(1,"-- Switchitem gefunden! Aber wir haben kein Geld :(") self.bonusSelector.Deactivate() return else: net.SendShopBuyPacket(i) self.rebuyed = 1 # self.Switch() return rebuyed_rare = 0 def nachkauf_rare(self): if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.buyed_rare != 0: return else: self.parentWindow.parentWindow.buyed_rare = 1 if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.checked == 1: for i in range(0,shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): me = shop.GetItemID(i) if me == SWITCH_RARE_VNUM: if shop.GetItemPrice(i) > player.GetMoney(): # chat.AppendChat(1,"-- Switchitem gefunden! Aber wir haben kein Geld :(") self.bonusSelector.Deactivate_rare() return else: net.SendShopBuyPacket(i) self.rebuyed_rare = 1 # self.Switch() return # self.bonusSelector.Deactivate() def Switch_rare(self): lc = 0 for i in range(0,90*2): if player.GetItemIndex(i) == SWITCH_RARE_VNUM: lc+=player.GetItemCount(i) if lc == 0 and self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.checked == 0: chat.AppendChat(2,"Slot %d: 6/7 Switch cancelado -> Nenhum item foi bem-sucedidos!" % (self.index+1)) self.bonusSelector.Deactivate_rare() return if lc < 15: self.nachkauf_rare() if lc == 0: self.bonusSelector.Deactivate_rare() chat.AppendChat(2,"Slot %d: 6/7 Mudança cancelada -> Sem itens de mudança!" % (self.index+1)) return for i in range(0,90*2): if player.GetItemIndex(i) == SWITCH_RARE_VNUM: net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(i,self.index) return def Switch(self): lc = 0 for i in range(0,90*2): if player.GetItemIndex(i) == SWITCH_VNUM: lc+=player.GetItemCount(i) if lc == 0 and self.parentWindow.parentWindow.enable_rebuy.checked == 0: self.bonusSelector.Deactivate() return if lc < 15: self.nachkauf() if lc == 0: self.bonusSelector.Deactivate() return for i in range(0,90*2): if player.GetItemIndex(i) == SWITCH_VNUM: net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(i,self.index) return # self.nachkauf() def checkSwitch(self): ok = 0 for i in range(0,5): if player.GetItemAttribute(self.index, i) != self.values[i]: ok = 1 self.prob = self.GetProb() self.StatusText.SetText("Ativo (%d%%)" %self.prob) if ok == 1 or self.prob >= 90: if self.prob >= 90: chat.AppendChat(1,"Slot %d: Pronto!" % (self.index+1)) self.bonusSelector.Finish() return self.values = [player.GetItemAttribute(self.index, i) for i in range(0,5)] self.Switch() elif self.rebuyed > 0: self.rebuyed = 0 self.Switch() elif ok == 0 and self.count < 5: self.count+=1 elif ok == 0 and self.count >= 5: self.count = 0 self.Switch() # elif self.last_switch > -1 and player.GetItemCount(self.last_switch) == 0: # chat.AppendChat(2,"%d"%player.GetItemCount(self.last_switch)) # self.last_switch = 0 # self.Switch() # else: # if self.GetProb() != 100: # self.Switch() pass def checkSwitch_rare(self): ok = 0 for i in range(0,2): if player.GetItemAttribute(self.index, i+6) != self.values_rare[i]: ok = 1 self.prob_rare = self.GetProb_rare() self.StatusText_rare.SetText("Ativo (%d%%)" %self.prob_rare) if ok == 1 or self.prob_rare >= 90: if self.prob_rare >= 90: self.bonusSelector.Finish_rare() chat.AppendChat(1,"Slot %d: 6/7 Pronto!" % (self.index+1)) return self.values_rare = [player.GetItemAttribute(self.index, i) for i in range(5,7)] self.Switch_rare() elif self.rebuyed_rare > 0: self.rebuyed_rare = 0 self.Switch_rare() elif ok == 0 and self.count_rare < 5: self.count_rare+=1 elif ok == 0 and self.count_rare >= 5: self.count_rare = 0 self.Switch_rare() pass def UpdateItem(self): # try: vnum = player.GetItemIndex(self.index) if vnum == 0 and self.vnum != 0: self.resetSwitch() self.resetSwitch_rare() self.vnum = 0 self.bonusSelector.Deactivate() self.bonusSelector.Block() self.bonusSelector.prepare_propose() self.ItemIcon.Hide() if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.blockBar.SetSize(1) return elif vnum != self.vnum: self.resetSwitch() self.resetSwitch_rare() self.vnum = vnum self.bonusSelector.Deactivate() self.bonusSelector.prepare_propose() item.SelectItem(self.vnum) if self.parentWindow.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: (w,h) = item.GetItemSize() self.blockBar.SetSize(h) if item.GetItemType() != 1 and item.GetItemType() != 2: self.bonusSelector.Block() else: self.bonusSelector.Unblock() self.ItemIcon.Show() self.ItemIcon.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) # self.values = [player.GetItemAttribute(self.index, i) for i in range(0,5)] return if self.IsActive(): self.checkSwitch() if self.IsActive_rare(): self.checkSwitch_rare() # except: # pass def SetIndex(self,index): self.index = index self.bonusSelector.index = index self.bonusSelector.Starter.SetText("Switch ("+str(index+1)+") Iniciar") self.Update() self.UpdateItem() def GetProb_rare(self): values = [player.GetItemAttribute(self.index, i+6) for i in range(0,2)] val2 = {} for i in range(0,2): try: affectString = AFFECT_DICT[values[i][0]](values[i][1]) val2[values[i][0]] = values[i][1] self.bonusSelector.ibi[i+6].SetText(affectString) except: pass prob = 0 max = 0 yp = self.GenList_rare() for x in yp: if yp[x] in val2 and val2[yp[x]] >= int(self.bonusSelector.boni[x+5][3].GetText()): prob = prob+1 max = max+1 if max > 0: prozent = 100/max*prob else: prozent = 100 return prozent pass def GetProb(self): values = [player.GetItemAttribute(self.index, i) for i in range(0,5)] val2 = {} # for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): for i in range(0,5): try: affectString = AFFECT_DICT[values[i][0]](values[i][1]) val2[values[i][0]] = values[i][1] self.bonusSelector.ibi[i].SetText(affectString) except: pass prob = 0 max = 0 yp = self.GenList() for x in yp: if yp[x] in val2 and val2[yp[x]] >= int(self.bonusSelector.boni[x][3].GetText()): prob = prob+1 max = max+1 if max > 0: prozent = 100/max*prob else: prozent = 100 return prozent def GenList(self): ret = {} for i in range(0,5): if self.bonusSelector.boni[5-i][1].selected.value != 0: ret[5-i] = self.bonusSelector.boni[5-i][1].selected.value return ret def GenList_rare(self): ret = {} for i in range(0,2): if self.bonusSelector.boni[6+i][1].selected.value != 0: ret[i+1] = self.bonusSelector.boni[6+i][1].selected.value return ret def __init__(self,parent): ui.Window.__init__(self) self.SetSize(500,36*3+4*2) self.tabCount = 0 self.tabList = {} self.parentWindow = parent self.SetParent(parent) self.plusBar = ui.Bar() self.plusBar.SetParent(self) self.plusBar.SetSize(90,30) self.plusBar.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.plusBar.SetColor(COLOR_BG) # self.plusBar.OnMouseLeftButtonDown = lambda: self.AddTab_pre() self.plusBar.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = lambda: self.AddTab_pre() self.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = lambda: self.AddTab_pre() self.plusBar.SetPosition(30,0) self.plusBar.Show() self.AddText = ui.TextLine() self.AddText.SetParent(self.plusBar) self.AddText.SetText("Arraste o item") self.AddText.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.AddText.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.AddText.SetVerticalAlignCenter() self.AddText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.AddText.SetPosition(0,0) self.AddText.Show() dist = [ [500, 0 ], #1 [240, 10 ], [160, 10 ], [117, 10.5], # [ 80, 25 ], #5 [ 92, 10 ], #5 [ 75, 10 ], #6 [ 64, 9 ], #7 [ 56, 7.5], #8 [ 50, 6.5], #9 [ 45, 5.5], #10 ][MAX_NUM-1] self.ItemTab.width = dist[0] self.ItemTab.dist = dist[1] #For 8 # dist = 9-1.5 # width = 56 # For 9 # dist = 9-2.5 # width = 50 # For 10 # dist = 9-3.5 # width = 45 def DeleteTab(self,id): if self.parentWindow.gameWindow != None: self.tabList[id].blockBar.Hide() self.tabList[id].blockBar.Destroy() self.tabList[id].Destroy() # del self.tabList[id] self.tabCount = self.tabCount -1 if self.tabCount > id and id < 5: for i in xrange(id,self.tabCount): self.tabList[i] = self.tabList[i+1] self.tabList[i].tabnum = i self.tabList[i].SetPosition((self.tabList[i].width+self.tabList[i].dist)*i,0) del self.tabList[self.tabCount] else: del self.tabList[id] if self.tabCount > 0: self.tabList[0].Select() if (self.ItemTab.width+self.ItemTab.dist)*self.tabCount < 20: self.parentWindow.SetSize(520,387-210) self.parentWindow.but_speed.Hide() self.plusBar.SetPosition(20,0) else: (x,y) = self.tabList[self.tabCount-1].GetLocalPosition() self.plusBar.SetPosition(x+self.ItemTab.width+self.ItemTab.dist,0) # self.plusBar.SetPosition((self.ItemTab.width+self.ItemTab.dist)*self.tabCount-10,0) self.plusBar.Show() def AddTab_pre(self): if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() attachedSlotVnum = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() item.SelectItem(attachedSlotVnum) if item.GetItemType() != 1 and item.GetItemType() != 2: mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() chat.AppendChat(2,"Você não pode mudar este item.") return for a in self.tabList: if self.tabList[a].index == attachedSlotPos: mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() chat.AppendChat(2,"O Esse Slot está pronto para ser incrível!") return if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: self.AddTab(attachedSlotPos,attachedSlotVnum) chat.AppendChat(2,"Item adicionado!") mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() def AddTab(self,id,vnum = 0): if self.tabCount < MAX_NUM: self.tabList[self.tabCount] = self.ItemTab(self,self.tabCount,id,vnum) self.tabList[self.tabCount].Select() self.tabList[self.tabCount].Show() self.tabCount+= 1 if (self.ItemTab.width+self.ItemTab.dist)*self.tabCount < 20: self.plusBar.SetPosition(20,0) else: (x,y) = self.tabList[self.tabCount-1].GetLocalPosition() self.plusBar.SetPosition(x+self.ItemTab.width+self.ItemTab.dist,0) if self.tabCount == MAX_NUM: self.plusBar.Hide() self.parentWindow.SetSize(520,450+10) self.parentWindow.but_speed.Show() # return 0 class Bot(ui.BoardWithTitleBar): class PinGroup(ui.Bar): def OnUpdate(self): ## Now check position. (x,y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() max_x = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-self.GetWidth() max_y = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.GetHeight()-DISTANCE_BOTTOM if not x == self.pos_x or not y == self.pos_y: old_dir = self.dir if self.pos_x == 0 and not self.pos_y == 0 and not self.pos_y == max_y and old_dir != 1: self.parse_dir(1) elif self.pos_x == max_x and not self.pos_y == 0 and not self.pos_y == max_y and old_dir != 2: self.parse_dir(2) elif self.pos_y == max_y and not self.pos_x == 0 and not self.pos_x == max_x and old_dir != 4: self.parse_dir(4) elif self.pos_y == 0 and not self.pos_x == 0 and not self.pos_x == max_x and old_dir != 3: self.parse_dir(3) max_x = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-self.GetWidth() max_y = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.GetHeight()-DISTANCE_BOTTOM if self.pos_x == 0 and not self.pos_y == 0 and not self.pos_y == max_y: x = 0 elif self.pos_x == max_x and not self.pos_y == 0 and not self.pos_y == max_y: x = max_x elif self.pos_y == 0 and not self.pos_x == 0 and not self.pos_x == max_x: y = 0 elif self.pos_y == max_y and not self.pos_x == 0 and not self.pos_x == max_x: y = max_y if x > 0 and x < max_x and y > 0 and y < max_y: if y < int(max_y/2): y = 0 else: y = max_y if x < int(max_x/2): x = 0 else: x = max_x x = min(max(0,x),wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-self.GetWidth()) y = min(max(0,y),wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.GetHeight()-DISTANCE_BOTTOM) self.SetPosition(x,y) self.pos_x = x self.pos_y = y # (self.pos_x,self.pos_y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() self.parent.OnUpdate() for c in self.txtlist: c.SetColor(c.item.StatusBar.color) c.txt2.SetText("Status: %s" % c.item.StatusText.GetText()) try: c.listWin2.SetColor(c.item.StatusBar_rare.color) c.txt3.SetText("Status: %s" % c.item.StatusText_rare.GetText()) except: pass def ShowMainWindow(self): (x,y) = self.parent.GetGlobalPosition() x = min(max(32,x),wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-self.parent.GetWidth()-32) y = min(max(32,y),wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.parent.GetHeight()-DISTANCE_BOTTOM-32) self.parent.SetPosition(x,y) self.parent.Show() self.__del__() def parse_dir(self,dir): self.dir = dir w,h = 100,50 for listWin in self.txtlist: itm = listWin.item listWin.AddFlag("not_pick") if dir >= 3: listWin.SetPosition(w,4) listWin.SetSize(90,h-8) w+=92 if itm.bonusSelector.EnableRareBoni.checked == 1: w+=15 listWin.SetSize(105,4+12+12) listWin.listWin2.SetSize(105,14) listWin.listWin2.Show() listWin.txt3.Show() else: listWin.SetPosition(0,h) listWin.SetSize(w,4+12+12+2) if itm.bonusSelector.EnableRareBoni.checked == 1: listWin.SetSize(w,4+12+12) listWin.listWin2.SetSize(w,14) listWin.listWin2.Show() listWin.txt3.Show() # itl.append(txt3) h+=12 pass h+=4+12+12+4 self.SetSize(w,h) def __init__(self,parent,dir = 1): self.parent = parent self.dir = dir ui.Bar.__init__(self) # Direction: 1 = left; 2 = right; 3 = top self.SetColor(COLOR_BG) w,h = 100,50 self.AddFlag("float") self.AddFlag("movable") self.maximise_but = ui.Button() self.maximise_but.SetParent(self) self.maximise_but.SetPosition(4,4) self.maximise_but.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") self.maximise_but.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") self.maximise_but.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") self.maximise_but.SetText("Ampliar") self.maximise_but.SetEvent(self.ShowMainWindow) self.maximise_but.Show() self.stop_but = ui.Button() self.stop_but.SetParent(self) self.stop_but.SetPosition(4,24) self.stop_but.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") self.stop_but.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") self.stop_but.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") self.stop_but.SetText("Desativar tudo") self.stop_but.SetEvent(self.parent.deactivate_all) self.stop_but.Show() self.txtlist = [] for a in self.parent.itemTabBar.tabList: itm = self.parent.itemTabBar.tabList[a] listWin = ui.Bar() listWin.item = itm self.txtlist.append(listWin) listWin.SetColor(itm.StatusBar.color) listWin.SetParent(self) listWin.AddFlag("not_pick") listWin.Show() listWin.txt1 = ui.TextLine() listWin.txt1.SetParent(listWin) listWin.txt1.SetText("Slot %d:" %(itm.index+1)) listWin.txt1.Show() listWin.txt1.SetPosition(4,2) listWin.txt2 = ui.TextLine() listWin.txt2.SetParent(listWin) listWin.txt2.SetText("Status: %s" % itm.StatusText.GetText()) listWin.txt2.SetPosition(4,2+12) listWin.txt2.Show() listWin.listWin2 = ui.Bar() listWin.listWin2.AddFlag("not_pick") listWin.listWin2.SetColor(itm.StatusBar_rare.color) listWin.listWin2.SetParent(listWin) listWin.listWin2.SetPosition(0,4+12+12) listWin.listWin2.SetSize(w,12+2) listWin.listWin2.Hide() listWin.txt3 = ui.TextLine() listWin.txt3.SetParent(listWin.listWin2) listWin.txt3.SetText("Status: %s" % itm.StatusText_rare.GetText()) listWin.txt3.SetPosition(4,0) listWin.txt3.Hide() if dir >= 3: listWin.SetPosition(w,4) listWin.SetSize(90,h-8) w+=92 if itm.bonusSelector.EnableRareBoni.checked == 1: w+=15 listWin.SetSize(105,4+12+12) listWin.listWin2.SetSize(105,14) listWin.listWin2.Show() listWin.txt3.Show() else: listWin.SetPosition(0,h) listWin.SetSize(w,4+12+12+2) if itm.bonusSelector.EnableRareBoni.checked == 1: listWin.SetSize(w,4+12+12) listWin.listWin2.Show() listWin.txt3.Show() # itl.append(txt3) h+=12 pass h+=4+12+12+4 # else: # self.txtlist.append(itl) self.SetSize(w,h) (x,y) = self.parent.GetGlobalPosition() x = min(max(0,x),wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-self.GetWidth()) y = min(max(0,y),wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.GetHeight()-DISTANCE_BOTTOM) if dir == 1: # self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() self.SetPosition(0,y) elif dir == 2: # self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() self.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-self.GetWidth(),y) elif dir == 3: # self.SetWindowVerticalAlignTop() self.SetPosition(x,0) else: # self.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() self.SetPosition(x,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-(DISTANCE_BOTTOM+h)) (self.pos_x,self.pos_y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() self.parse_dir(dir) # if dir == 1: # self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() # self.SetPosition(0,0) # elif dir == 2: # self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() # self.SetPosition(self.GetWidth(),0) # elif dir == 3: # self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() # self.SetPosition(0,0) # elif dir == 4: # self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() # self.SetPosition(0,36+h) # else: # return # ERR pinhint = 0 def ShowPinHint(self,type): self.pinhint = type if type == 0: self.PinHint.Hide() return # type=2 (x,y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() if type == 1: # Left self.PinHint.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() self.PinHint.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.PinHint.SetSize(max(min(30,30-x),3),wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) self.PinHint.SetPosition(0,0) elif type == 2: # Right self.PinHint.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() self.PinHint.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.PinHint.SetSize(30,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) self.PinHint.SetPosition(max(min(30,30-(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-(x+self.GetWidth()))),3),0) elif type == 3: # Top self.PinHint.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.PinHint.SetWindowVerticalAlignTop() self.PinHint.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(),max(min(30,30-y),3)) self.PinHint.SetPosition(0,0) elif type == 4: # Top self.PinHint.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.PinHint.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() self.PinHint.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(),30) self.PinHint.SetPosition(0,36+max(min(30,30-(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-36-(y+self.GetHeight()))),3)) self.PinHint.Show() # else: def __init__(self): ui.BoardWithTitleBar.__init__(self) self.gameWindow = None self.SetTitleName("SacredMt2 Switchbot") self.AddFlag("float") self.AddFlag("movable") self.SetPosition(30,30) # self.SetSize(520,387) # self.SetSize(520,387-210) self.SetSize(520,387-210) self.PinHint = ui.Bar() self.PinHint.SetColor(COLOR_PIN_HINT) self.PinHint.Show() self.OnMouseLeftButtonDown = self.drag_start self.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = self.drag_end self.titleBar.MinimizeBut = ui.Button() self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.SetParent(self.titleBar) self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/minimize_button_01.sub") self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/minimize_button_02.sub") self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/minimize_button_03.sub") self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.SetToolTipText("Minimizar", 0, -23) self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.SetPosition(520 - self.titleBar.btnClose.GetWidth()-3- 32 - 3, 3) self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.SetEvent(lambda: self.PinShow(1)) self.titleBar.MinimizeBut.Show() self.titleBar.HelpBut = ui.ToggleButton() self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetParent(self.titleBar) self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.sub") self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub") self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub") self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetToolTipText("Detalhado Ajuda", 0, -23) self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetText("Ajuda") self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetPosition(3, 0) self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetToggleDownEvent(lambda: self.ToggleHelp(1)) self.titleBar.HelpBut.SetToggleUpEvent(lambda: self.ToggleHelp(0)) # self.titleBar.HelpBut.Show() self.but_deactivate_all = ui.Button() # self.but_deactivate_all.SetParent(self) self.but_deactivate_all.SetParent(self.titleBar) # self.but_deactivate_all.SetPosition(415,350) self.but_deactivate_all.SetPosition(3+5+self.titleBar.HelpBut.GetWidth(), 0) self.but_deactivate_all.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") self.but_deactivate_all.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") self.but_deactivate_all.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") self.but_deactivate_all.SetText("Parar todos") self.but_deactivate_all.SetEvent(self.deactivate_all) self.but_deactivate_all.Show() self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all = ui.Button() self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.SetParent(self.titleBar) self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.SetPosition(3+5+self.titleBar.HelpBut.GetWidth()+5+self.but_deactivate_all.GetWidth(), 0) self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.sub") self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub") self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub") self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.SetText("Info") self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.SetEvent(self.about) # self.titleBar.but_deactivate_all.Show() self.titleName.SetPosition(60, 4) self.enable_rebuy = CheckBox("Repetir compra") self.enable_rebuy.Toggle() self.enable_rebuy.Hide() self.but_speed = ui.SliderBar() self.but_speed.SetParent(self) self.but_speed.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.but_speed.SetPosition(0,360) self.but_speed.SetSliderPos(0.0) # self.but_speed.SetToolTipText("Switch-Geschwindigkeit", 0, -23) # self.but_speed.Show() self.but_speed.Hide() self.itemTabBar = ItemTabBar(self) self.itemTabBar.SetPosition(10,35) self.itemTabBar.Show() self.buyed = 0 self.buyed_rare = 0 self.SetCloseEvent(self._Hide) self.Hide = self._Hide ### NOW initialize the HELP stuff! self.help_add_item = HelpBar(0.8,'Arraste um item aqui para adicioná-lo.') self.help_add_item.SetParent(self) self.help_add_item.SetPosition(60,50) self.help_minimize = HelpBar(0.8,'Arraste o bot para a borda para torna-lo menor!',1) self.help_minimize.SetParent(self.titleBar) self.help_minimize.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.help_minimize.SetPosition(100,-30) self.help_show_rare = HelpBar(0.85,'Isso permite que você alterne a exibição de 6/7 bônus.') self.help_show_rare.SetParent(self) # self.help_show_rare.SetPosition(35,312) self.help_rebuy = HelpBar(0.5,'O bot deve comprar de novo?') self.help_rebuy.SetParent(self) # self.help_rebuy.SetPosition(25,297) self.help_stop_all = HelpBar(0.8,'Para de rodar TODOS os itens!',1) self.help_stop_all.SetParent(self.titleBar) self.help_stop_all.SetPosition(3+5+self.titleBar.HelpBut.GetWidth()*1.2,-30) self.help_duration = HelpBar(0.8,'Retarda o bot.',1) self.help_duration.SetParent(self) def ToggleHelp(self,val): self.help_on = val def Show(self): ui.BoardWithTitleBar.Show(self) self.bot_shown = 1 def _Hide(self): ## ONLY FOR TESTING # for a in range(0,self.itemTabBar.tabCount): # self.itemTabBar.DeleteTab(0) ui.BoardWithTitleBar.Hide(self) self.bot_shown = 0 def deactivate_all(self): for a in self.itemTabBar.tabList: self.itemTabBar.tabList[a].bonusSelector.Starter.SetUp() self.itemTabBar.tabList[a].bonusSelector.Starter.OnToggleUp() self.itemTabBar.tabList[a].bonusSelector.Starter_rare_boni.SetUp() self.itemTabBar.tabList[a].bonusSelector.Starter_rare_boni.OnToggleUp() pass drag = 0 def drag_start(self): self.drag = 1 def drag_end(self): self.drag = 0 if self.pinhint > 0: self.PinShow(self.pinhint) # self.PinGroupBox = self.PinGroup() pass self.ShowPinHint(0) def PinShow(self,dir): self.PinGroupBox = self.PinGroup(self,dir) self.Hide() self.PinGroupBox.Show() def EnableInventoryTweak(self,gameWindow): self.gameWindow=gameWindow self.gameWindow.interface.wndInventory.inventoryTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.__SetInventoryPage(arg)) self.gameWindow.interface.wndInventory.inventoryTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.__SetInventoryPage(arg)) def __SetInventoryPage(self,arg): self.gameWindow.interface.wndInventory.SetInventoryPage(arg) for a in self.itemTabBar.tabList: itm = self.itemTabBar.tabList[a] if itm.index >= arg*45 and itm.index < (arg+1)*45: itm.blockBar.Show() else: itm.blockBar.Hide() help_on = 0 counter = 0 AboutWindow = None def OnUpdate(self): if self.AboutWindow: if self.AboutWindow.x_counter > 1: self.AboutWindow.x_counter -=1 self.AboutWindow.text6.SetText("Tempo: %0.1f" % (self.AboutWindow.x_counter/45.0)) elif self.AboutWindow.x_counter == 1: self.AboutWindow.Hide() # self.AboutWindow.Delete() if self.help_on == 1: (x,y) = self.itemTabBar.plusBar.GetLocalPosition() self.help_add_item.SetPosition(x+20,50) self.help_add_item.Show() self.help_stop_all.Show() self.help_minimize.Show() if self.itemTabBar.tabCount > 0: self.help_show_rare.SetPosition(25,164) self.help_show_rare.Show() self.help_rebuy.SetPosition(15,147) self.help_rebuy.Show() # self.help_duration.SetPosition(300,180) self.help_duration.SetPosition(190-5.5+self.but_speed.GetSliderPos()*int(35.5+self.but_speed.GetWidth()/2),180) self.help_duration.Show() else: self.help_show_rare.Hide() self.help_rebuy.Hide() self.help_duration.Hide() else: self.help_add_item.Hide() self.help_minimize.Hide() self.help_show_rare.Hide() self.help_rebuy.Hide() self.help_stop_all.Hide() self.help_duration.Hide() if self.drag == 1: (x1, y1) = self.GetGlobalPosition() # if x1 < 0: # x1 = 0 # elif x1 > wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-520: # x1 = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-520 # if y1 < 0: # y1 = 0 # elif y1 > wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-36-self.GetHeight(): # y1 = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-36-self.GetHeight() x1 = max(min(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-520,x1),0) y1 = max(min(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-36-self.GetHeight(),y1),0) self.SetPosition(x1,y1) if x1 < 30: self.ShowPinHint(1) elif wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()-x1-520 < 30: self.ShowPinHint(2) elif y1 < 30: self.ShowPinHint(3) elif wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-y1-self.GetHeight() < 60: self.ShowPinHint(4) else: self.ShowPinHint(0) # self.SetPosition(x1+(x-self.drag_pos[0]),y1) pass if self.gameWindow != None: for a in self.itemTabBar.tabList: itm = self.itemTabBar.tabList[a] self.counter+=1 if self.counter >= int(self.but_speed.GetSliderPos()*MAX_SWITCH_DELAY_APPEND+MIN_SWITCH_DELAY): self.buyed = 0 self.buyed_rare = 0 self.counter = 0 for a in self.itemTabBar.tabList: itm = self.itemTabBar.tabList[a] itm.UpdateItem() # if itm. def about(self): self.AboutWindow = ui.ThinBoard() self.AboutWindow.SetParent(self) self.AboutWindow.SetSize(250,100) self.AboutWindow.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.AboutWindow.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.AboutWindow.SetPosition(0,0) self.AboutWindow.Show() self.AboutWindow.x_counter = 450 self.AboutWindow.text1 = ui.TextLine() self.AboutWindow.text1.SetParent(self.AboutWindow) self.AboutWindow.text1.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.AboutWindow.text1.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.AboutWindow.text1.SetPosition(0,5) self.AboutWindow.text1.SetText("Switchbot V2.2 by Metin2") self.AboutWindow.text1.SetPackedFontColor(ui.GenerateColor(58, 141, 221)) self.AboutWindow.text1.Show() self.AboutWindow.text2 = ui.TextLine() self.AboutWindow.text2.SetParent(self.AboutWindow) self.AboutWindow.text2.SetPosition(8,18) self.AboutWindow.text2.SetText("Esse Switchbot foi desenvolvido por Metin2.") self.AboutWindow.text2.Show() self.AboutWindow.text3 = ui.TextLine() self.AboutWindow.text3.SetParent(self.AboutWindow) self.AboutWindow.text3.SetPosition(8,18+13) self.AboutWindow.text3.SetText("Novas idéias são sempre bem-vindas!") self.AboutWindow.text3.Show() self.AboutWindow.text4 = ui.TextLine() self.AboutWindow.text4.SetParent(self.AboutWindow) self.AboutWindow.text4.SetPosition(8,18+13*3) self.AboutWindow.text4.SetText("Peço que você não use esse bot sem o minha") self.AboutWindow.text4.Show() self.AboutWindow.text5 = ui.TextLine() self.AboutWindow.text5.SetParent(self.AboutWindow) self.AboutWindow.text5.SetPosition(8,18+13*4) self.AboutWindow.text5.SetText("Aprovação.") self.AboutWindow.text5.Show() self.AboutWindow.text6 = ui.TextLine() self.AboutWindow.text6.SetParent(self.AboutWindow) self.AboutWindow.text6.SetPosition(200,18+13*5) self.AboutWindow.text6.SetText("Tempo: %d" % self.AboutWindow.x_counter) self.AboutWindow.text6.Show() class HelpBar(ui.Window): def __init__(self,width,text,centered = 0): ui.Window.__init__(self) self.AddFlag("not_pick") self.AddFlag("attach") img = ui.ExpandedImageBox() img.SetParent(self) img.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/help_stick.tga") img.SetRenderingRect(0.0, -width, 0.0, 0.0) img.Show() self.img = img txt = ui.TextLine() txt=ui.TextLine() txt.SetParent(self) txt.SetText(text) txt.Show() img.SetPosition(0,18-width*img.GetHeight()) txt.SetPosition(0,0) txt.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() if centered != 0: txt.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() # txt.SetPosition(0,0) self.txt = txt class DropDown(ui.Window): dropped = 0 dropstat = 0 last = 0 lastS = 0 maxh = 95 OnChange = None class Item(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): def __init__(self,parent, text,value=0): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) self.textBox=ui.TextLine() self.textBox.SetParent(self) self.textBox.SetText(text) # self.textBox.SetLimitWidth(parent.GetWidth()-132) self.textBox.Show() self.value = value def GetValue(self): return self.value def __del__(self): ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) def __init__(self,parent,tt = "",down=1): ui.Window.__init__(self,"TOP_MOST") self.down = down self.SetParentProxy(parent) self.bg = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") self.bg.SetParent(self) self.bg.SetPosition(0,0) self.bg.SetColor(0xc0000000) self.bg.OnMouseOverIn = self.bgMouseIn self.bg.OnMouseOverOut = self.bgMouseOut self.bg.OnMouseLeftButtonDown = self.ExpandMe self.bg.Show() self.act = ui.TextLine() self.act.SetParent(self.bg) self.act.SetPosition(4,2) self.act.SetText(tt) self.act.Show() self.GetText = self.act.GetText self.Drop = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") self.Drop.SetParent(self.GetParentProxy()) self.Drop.SetPosition(0,21) # self.Drop.SetSize(150,95) self.Drop.SetSize(150,0) # self.Drop.SetColor(0xc00a0a0a) self.Drop.SetColor(0xff0a0a0a) self.ScrollBar = ui.ThinScrollBar() self.ScrollBar.SetParent(self.Drop) self.ScrollBar.SetPosition(132,0) # self.ScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(95) self.ScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(0) # self.ScrollBar.Show() self.DropList = ui.ListBoxEx() self.DropList.SetParent(self.Drop) self.DropList.itemHeight = 12 self.DropList.itemStep = 13 self.DropList.SetPosition(0,0) # self.DropList.SetSize(132,self.maxh) self.DropList.SetSize(132,13) self.DropList.SetScrollBar(self.ScrollBar) self.DropList.SetSelectEvent(self.SetTitle) self.DropList.SetViewItemCount(0) self.DropList.Show() if tt != "": self.AppendItemAndSelect(tt) self.selected = self.DropList.GetSelectedItem() self.SetSize(120,20) def __del__(self): ui.Window.__del__(self) c = 1 def AppendItem(self,text,value=0): self.c+=1 self.DropList.AppendItem(self.Item(self,text,value)) self.maxh = min(95,13*self.c) if self.c > 7: self.ScrollBar.Show() def AppendItemAndSelect(self,text,value=0): self.DropList.AppendItem(self.Item(self,text,value)) self.DropList.SelectIndex(len(self.DropList.itemList)-1) def SelectByAffectId(self,id): for x in self.DropList.itemList: if x.value == id: self.DropList.SelectItem(x) break def SetTitle(self,item): self.act.SetText(str(item.textBox.GetText())) self.last = self.DropList.basePos self.lastS = self.ScrollBar.GetPos() self.dropped = 0 self.selected = item if self.OnChange: self.OnChange() # self.Drop.Hide() def SetPosition(self,w,h): ui.Window.SetPosition(self,w,h) if self.down == 1: self.Drop.SetPosition(w,h+21) else: self.Drop.SetPosition(w,h-self.Drop.GetHeight()) def SetSize(self,w,h): ui.Window.SetSize(self,w,h) self.bg.SetSize(w,h) self.Drop.SetSize(w,0) self.DropList.SetSize(w-18,self.maxh) for x in self.DropList.itemList: x.SetSize(w-18,12) self.ScrollBar.SetPosition(w-18,0) def ExpandMe(self): if self.dropped == 1: # self.Drop.Hide() self.dropped = 0 else: # self.Drop.Show() self.dropped = 1 def OnUpdate(self): iter = 6 if self.Drop.GetHeight() < 50: self.ScrollBar.Hide() else: self.ScrollBar.Show() if self.dropped == 0 and self.dropstat == 1: if self.Drop.GetHeight() <=0: self.dropstat = 0 self.Drop.SetSize(self.Drop.GetWidth(),0) self.ScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(self.Drop.GetHeight()) self.Drop.Hide() else: if self.Drop.GetHeight()-iter < 0: self.Drop.SetSize(self.Drop.GetWidth(),0) else: self.Drop.SetSize(self.Drop.GetWidth(),self.Drop.GetHeight()-iter) (w,h) = self.GetLocalPosition() self.SetPosition(w,h) self.ScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(self.Drop.GetHeight()) self.DropList.SetViewItemCount(int(self.Drop.GetHeight()/13)) self.DropList.SetBasePos(self.last+1) self.DropList.SetBasePos(self.last) elif self.dropped == 1 and self.dropstat == 0: self.Drop.Show() self.SetTop() if self.Drop.GetHeight() >=self.maxh: self.Drop.SetSize(self.Drop.GetWidth(),self.maxh) self.ScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(self.maxh) self.dropstat = 1 self.DropList.SetViewItemCount(7) self.ScrollBar.SetPos(self.lastS) else: self.ScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(self.Drop.GetHeight()+iter) self.Drop.SetSize(self.Drop.GetWidth(),self.Drop.GetHeight()+iter) (w,h) = self.GetLocalPosition() self.SetPosition(w,h) self.DropList.SetViewItemCount(int(self.Drop.GetHeight()/13)) self.DropList.SetBasePos(self.last+1) self.DropList.SetBasePos(self.last) ## BG Hover def bgMouseIn(self): self.bg.SetColor(0xc00a0a0a) def bgMouseOut(self): self.bg.SetColor(0xc0000000) class Edit2(ui.EditLine): def __init__(self,main = "",ml = 99): ui.EditLine.__init__(self) self.SetText(main) self.main = main self.SetMax(ml) self.SetUserMax(ml) def GetText(self): res = ui.EditLine.GetText(self) if res == "": return "0" else: return res def __del__(self): ui.EditLine.__del__(self) def OnSetFocus(self): ui.EditLine.OnSetFocus(self) if ui.EditLine.GetText(self) == self.main: self.SetText("") def OnKillFocus(self): ui.EditLine.OnKillFocus(self) if ui.EditLine.GetText(self) == "": self.SetText(self.main) class CheckBox(ui.Window): checked = 0 eventUp =None eventDown=None def __init__(self,cont = ""): ui.Window.__init__(self) self.BG = ui.Bar("UI") self.BG.SetParent(self) self.BG.SetPosition(0,0) self.BG.SetSize(20,20) # self.BG.SetColor(0xc00b0b0b) self.BG.SetColor(COLOR_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED) self.BG.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = self.Toggle self.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = self.Toggle self.BG.Show() self.Title = ui.TextLine() self.Title.SetParent(self) self.Title.SetPosition(25,2) self.Title.SetText(cont) self.Title.Show() self.stat = ui.TextLine() self.stat.SetParent(self.BG) self.stat.SetPosition(0,0) self.stat.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.stat.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() self.stat.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.stat.SetVerticalAlignCenter() self.stat.SetSize(0,0) self.stat.SetText("") self.SetSize(25+self.Title.GetTextSize()[0]+5,20) self.stat.Show() def __del__(self): ui.ToggleButton.__del__(self) def Toggle(self): if self.checked == 1: self.OnToggleUp() else: self.OnToggleDown() def OnToggleUp(self): self.stat.SetText("") # self.BG.SetColor(0xc00b0b0b) self.BG.SetColor(COLOR_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED) self.checked = 0 if self.eventUp: self.eventUp() def OnToggleDown(self): # self.BG.SetColor(0xf00b0b0b) self.BG.SetColor(COLOR_CHECKBOX_SELECTED) self.stat.SetText("X") self.checked = 1 if self.eventDown: self.eventDown() # Zum Testen # a = Bot() # a.Show() # oder; # Bot().Show()
    1 point
  10. < ==== Sistemas ==== > 1. Sistema reportar jogador. (ESC) < ==== itens / mobs ==== > 1. Não contém nenhum item novo / mob. < ==== Proteção ==== > 1. O Hack do MarcossCC de mudar de nome não funciona 2. Kick Hack não funciona. Se alguém tentar chutar, ele vai chutá-lo até parar o hack 3. Exploite no login resolvido, também aquele na tabela do jogador + o resto das explorações com a solução neste fórum. < ==== Bugs conhecidos no servidor ==== > 1. Não encontramos nenhum erro até agora! 2. Sim as ServerFiles / Cliente tem Bugs < ==== Instalar Server Files ==== > 1. Colocar o game.twix em /usr/home Execute o seguinte comando na maquina virtual: cd /usr/home && tar -zxvf game.twix 2. Colocar o mysql.twix em /var/db Execute o seguinte comando na maquina virtual: cd /var/db && tar -zxvf mysql.twix < ==== Dados Navicat ==== > Utilizator: OrientalMT2 Parolă: !@#$$#@!ORIENTALMT22016$#@! < ==== Conta Teste ==== > ID: admin Senha: admin ID: admin2 Senha: admin Tradução original < ==== Apresentação ==== > < ==== Download Server Files ==== > https://mega.nz/#F!BJhwBAZJ!yRQGpJunbCMdRSSI_Bx8DQ VirusTotal dos arquivos Launcher Windows 7,8,10 https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/cd4ce72ec512beaa5c53efe45dc505b267f26dd8fdeab95b0191036ba2d426d1/detection game.twix https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/10ab7bf795e29b8cfa80551e6b274faf009a6dd1b96097423f228e91d5e60f6a/detection mysql.twix https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/8c7267826c7505101070e658a93c85f5efb3f06a3f97df2376e9cee1e995a638/detection Eu não consegui compilar a source game/bin dessa server files/cliente se algum conseguir pfv mede uma luz
    1 point
  11. Boas venho trazer as files do addicmt2 que comprei e foi enganado como foi não quero que enganem mais o pessoal por isso como comprei decidi partilhar com o pessoal assim não precisam comprar agora esta aqui free tem o manual que vem junto que diz como instalar as files façam bom aproveito delas. AddictMt2_r40267_Client: https://mega.nz/#!vk...bV0h5inW0tEgMzg AddictMt2_r40267_Client_Tools: https://mega.nz/#!a5...kdOAo2eOtetXNMQ AddictMt2 Serverfiles - Guia: https://mega.nz/#!Kx...kH3dz7k8ZsZwHKM Source zeus.src: https://mega.nz/#!nx...F_qUDGe4TwULQEI root: https://mega.nz/#!bl...6JUW1MYtsIYIYCo zeus pasta do game: https://mega.nz/#!i5...5r-6fjZsuQAqjuo libstdc6: https://mega.nz/#!es...0hD34e5ykBcCUzs Mysql zeus: https://mega.nz/#!Wo...A89EfRjr-h0jsjg Mysq não precisa de passe estra directo. Ps: peço alguem pa equipa que ponha o virtual nao sei como o fazer. Comprimentos ao Lost
    1 point
  12. A versão anterior foi descontinuada. Esta versão tem como base a source mainline. Corrigidos todos os avisos. Contém todas as correções de sql injection. Contém tudo o que a versão anterior tinha. Password web_api modificada para: QbBsxFZnmcPC8n6fuk6byGjMKxSUJQNxpJuCQ6LKRtX3Ycy8QM (AVISO! Modificar esta password para uma diferente e forte) Como usar o ficheiro ova(virtualbox)? 1- Instalar o VirtualBox 2- Abrir o VirtualBox 3- Extrair o ficheiro mt2source.7z 4- Ir a File-->> Import Appliance e selecionar o ficheiro ova. 5- Editar as definições da máquina a vosso gosto (memória ram, placa de rede, etc) Como usar o ficheiro ova(vmware)? 1- Instalar a Vmware Workstation 2- Abrir a vmware 3- Extrair o ficheiro TMT_metin2_src.7z 4- Ir a File-->> Open e selecionar o ficheiro ova. 5- Editar as definições da máquina a vosso gosto (memória ram, placa de rede, etc) Compilação game: Compilação db: Informações:
    1 point
  13. Bom Dia. Aqui deixo uma source de que toda gente fala bastante bem penso que ainda esta a venda e cara talvez mais actualizada que esta visto que foi um leak de 2016 de qualquer maneira continua a ser uma das melhores sources disponiveis na internet. http://www60.zippyshare.com/v/ZEe9CqjV/file.html https://www.virustotal.com/#/file-analysis/MWViMmIzMjk0YzU0MjkxZmFiM2FhMTVmN2MzOTk2OWM6MTUwNzQ2MDczMA== Desciçao da source http://daemonservice.altervista.org/docs/Source Selling.html Comsegui compilar o cliente em VS2013 com tools vs120 com a seguinte pasta de Extern http://www80.zippyshare.com/v/nW2BWf04/file.html https://www.virustotal.com/#/file-analysis/YjlmMzE5NmYxYzQ2NzgxMTZlNjVmNDg2N2U0MTAwODQ6MTUwNzQ3MTI4Nw== para compilar vao ter de ir as propriedades do projecto UserInterface e em Linker / Advanced na ultima escolha Image has Safe Exceptions Handlers defenir para No (/SAFESH:NO)
    1 point
  14. Olá, Como o próprio título diz seguindo este tutorial irão conseguir expandir o vosso número de inventários para 12. Source common/length.h - INVENTORY_MAX_NUM = 135, + INVENTORY_MAX_NUM = 540, common/tables.h typedef struct SQuickslot { BYTE type; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; } TQuickslot; game/src/char.h - BYTE bItemGrid[iNVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_SLOT_MAX]; + UINT bItemGrid[iNVENTORY_AND_EQUIP_SLOT_MAX]; - void SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos, BYTE bNewPos); + void SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos, UINT bNewPos); - bool GetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot); + bool GetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot); - bool SetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot & rSlot); + bool SetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot & rSlot); - bool DelQuickslot(BYTE pos); + bool DelQuickslot(UINT pos); - bool SwapQuickslot(BYTE a, BYTE b); + bool SwapQuickslot(UINT a, UINT b); - void ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos); + void ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos); - void SetWear(BYTE bCell, LPITEM item); + void SetWear(UINT bCell, LPITEM item); - LPITEM GetWear(BYTE bCell) const; + LPITEM GetWear(UINT bCell) const; - bool RefineInformation(BYTE bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell = -1); + bool RefineInformation(UINT bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell = -1); - bool SwapItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell); + bool SwapItem(UINT bCell, UINT bDestCell); game/src/char_battle.cpp ## 1000 kann nach belieben angepasst werden sollte bei 6 Inventar seiten über 255 sein. ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, vec_bSlots[i], 255); + SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, vec_bSlots[i], 1000); ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, WEAR_UNIQUE1, 255); + SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, WEAR_UNIQUE1, 1000); game/src/char_item.cpp ## 1000 kann nach belieben angepasst werden sollte bei 6 Inventar seiten über 255 sein. - SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 255); + SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 1000); - BYTE bCell = Cell.cell; + UINT bCell = Cell.cell; ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - if (m_pointsInstant.bItemGrid[bCell] == iExceptionCell) + if (m_pointsInstant.bItemGrid[bCell] == (UINT)iExceptionCell) ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - BYTE bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 3); + UINT bPage = bCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 12); ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - BYTE p = bCell + (5 * j); + UINT p = bCell + (5 * j); ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - if (p / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 3) != bPage) + if (p / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / 12) != bPage) ## 3 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - BYTE bCell = item->GetCell(); + UINT bCell = item->GetCell(); -bool CHARACTER::RefineInformation(BYTE bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell) +bool CHARACTER::RefineInformation(UINT bCell, BYTE bType, int iAdditionalCell) - SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, Cell.cell, 255); + SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, Cell.cell, 1000); -bool CHARACTER::SwapItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell) +bool CHARACTER::SwapItem(UINT bCell, UINT bDestCell) - BYTE bEquipCell = item2->GetCell() - INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; + INT bEquipCell = item2->GetCell() - INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; - BYTE bInvenCell = item1->GetCell(); + UINT bInvenCell = item1->GetCell(); - BYTE bCell1 = item1->GetCell(); + UINT bCell1 = item1->GetCell(); - BYTE bCell2 = item2->GetCell(); + UINT bCell2 = item2->GetCell(); - BYTE bOldCell = item->GetCell(); + UINT bOldCell = item->GetCell(); game/src/char_quickslot.cpp -void CHARACTER::SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos, BYTE bNewPos) +void CHARACTER::SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos, UINT bNewPos) - if (bNewPos == 255) + if (bNewPos == 1000) -bool CHARACTER::GetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot) +bool CHARACTER::GetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot) -bool CHARACTER::SetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot & rSlot) +bool CHARACTER::SetQuickslot(UINT pos, TQuickslot & rSlot) -bool CHARACTER::DelQuickslot(BYTE pos) +bool CHARACTER::DelQuickslot(UINT pos) -bool CHARACTER::SwapQuickslot(BYTE a, BYTE b) +bool CHARACTER::SwapQuickslot(UINT a, UINT b) -void CHARACTER::ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos) +void CHARACTER::ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, UINT bOldPos) game/src/cmd_general.cpp - for (BYTE i=0; i<INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) + for (UINT i=0; i<INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) game/src/cmd_gm.cpp - ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 255); + ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 1000); ## 3 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - BYTE cell = 0; + UINT cell = 0; game/src/exchange.cpp iPos = s_grid6.FindBlank(1, itemSize); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid6.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize); continue; } iPos = s_grid7.FindBlank(1, itemSize); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid7.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize); continue; } iPos = s_grid8.FindBlank(1, itemSize); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid8.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize); continue; } iPos = s_grid9.FindBlank(1, itemSize); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid9.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize); continue; } iPos = s_grid10.FindBlank(1, itemSize); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid10.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize); continue; } iPos = s_grid11.FindBlank(1, itemSize); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid11.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize); continue; } iPos = s_grid12.FindBlank(1, itemSize); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid12.Put(iPos, 1, itemSize); continue; } return false; } } return true; } exchange.cpp - m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 255); + m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 1000); game/src/fishing.cpp ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - BYTE bCell = rod->GetCell(); + UINT bCell = rod->GetCell(); game/src/input_main.cpp case SHOP_SUBHEADER_CG_SELL2: { - if (uiBytes < sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE)) + if (uiBytes < sizeof(UINT) + sizeof(BYTE)) return -1; - BYTE pos = *(c_pData++); + UINT pos = *reinterpret_cast<const UINT*>(c_pData++); BYTE count = *(c_pData); sys_log(0, "INPUT: %s SHOP: SELL2", ch->GetName()); CShopManager::instance().Sell(ch, pos, count); - return sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE); + return sizeof(UINT) + sizeof(BYTE); } - ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, p->ItemPos.cell, 255); + ch->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, p->ItemPos.cell, 1000); game/src/item.cpp - pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, wCell, 255); + pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, wCell, 1000); - m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, m_wCell, 255); + m_pOwner->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, m_wCell, 1000); -bool CItem::EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bWearCell) +bool CItem::EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bWearCell) game/src/item.h - bool EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bWearCell); + bool EquipTo(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bWearCell); game/src/item_manager.cpp - o->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 255); + o->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 1000); game/src/minig.cpp ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - BYTE bCell = rkOldPick.GetCell(); + UINT bCell = rkOldPick.GetCell(); game/src/packet.h typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; TQuickslot slot; } TPacketCGQuickslotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; - BYTE change_pos; + UINT change_pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotSwap; typedef struct packet_item_del { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; } TPacketGCItemDel; struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; TQuickslot slot; }; struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; }; struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; - BYTE pos_to; + UINT pos_to; }; typedef struct SPacketCGRefine { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; BYTE type; } TPacketCGRefine; typedef struct SPacketCGRequestRefineInfo { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; } TPacketCGRequestRefineInfo; typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformaion { BYTE header; BYTE type; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; DWORD src_vnum; DWORD result_vnum; BYTE material_count; game/src/questlua_global.cpp ## 2 x vorhanden beide ersetzen! - BYTE bCell = (BYTE) lua_tonumber(L,-1); + UINT bCell = lua_tonumber(L, -1); game/src/questlua_item.cpp - BYTE bCell = pItem->GetCell(); + UINT bCell = pItem->GetCell(); game/src/questlua_pc.cpp , - BYTE bCell = (BYTE)lua_tonumber(L, 1); + UINT bCell = lua_tonumber(L game/src/safebox.cpp -LPITEM CSafebox::GetItem(BYTE bCell) +LPITEM CSafebox::GetItem(INT bCell) -bool CSafebox::MoveItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell, BYTE count) +bool CSafebox::MoveItem(INT bCell, INT bDestCell, BYTE count) game/src/safebox.h - bool MoveItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell, BYTE count); + bool MoveItem(INT bCell, INT bDestCell, BYTE count); - LPITEM GetItem(BYTE bCell); + LPITEM GetItem(INT bCell); game/src/shop.cpp - m_pkPC->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell(), 255); + m_pkPC->SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, item->GetCell( game/src/shop_manager.cpp -void CShopManager::Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bCell, BYTE bCount) +void CShopManager::Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bCell, BYTE bCount) ), 1000); game/src/shop_manager.h - void Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE bCell, BYTE bCount=0); + void Sell(LPCHARACTER ch, UINT bCell, BYTE bCount = 0); Cliente Client/UserInterface/AbstractPlayer.h - virtual void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition) = 0; + virtual void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, INT IconPosition) = 0; Client/UserInterface/GameType.h -const DWORD c_Inventory_Page_Count +const DWORD c_Inventory_Page_Count = 12; typedef struct SQuickSlot { BYTE Type; - BYTE Position; + UINT Position; } TQuickSlot; Client/UserInterface/Packet.h typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; TQuickSlot slot; }TPacketCGQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; - BYTE change_pos; + UINT change_pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotSwap; typedef struct SPacketCGRefine { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; BYTE type; } TPacketCGRefine; typedef struct packet_item_del { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; } TPacketGCItemDel; typedef struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; TQuickSlot slot; } TPacketGCQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotDel; typedef struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; - BYTE change_pos; + UINT change_pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotSwap; typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformation { BYTE header; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; TRefineTable refine_table; } TPacketGCRefineInformation; typedef struct SPacketGCRefineInformationNew { BYTE header; BYTE type; - BYTE pos; + UINT pos; TRefineTable refine_table; } TPacketGCRefineInformationNew; Client/UserInterface/PythonNetworkStream.h - bool SendQuickSlotAddPacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE type, BYTE pos); + bool SendQuickSlotAddPacket(UINT wpos, BYTE type, UINT pos); - bool SendQuickSlotDelPacket(BYTE wpos); + bool SendQuickSlotDelPacket(UINT wpos); - bool SendQuickSlotMovePacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE change_pos); + bool SendQuickSlotMovePacket(UINT wpos, UINT change_pos); - bool SendShopSellPacketNew(BYTE bySlot, BYTE byCount); + bool SendShopSellPacketNew(UINT bySlot, BYTE byCount); - bool SendRefinePacket(BYTE byPos, BYTE byType); + bool SendRefinePacket(UINT byPos, BYTE byType); Client/UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp -bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendRefinePacket(BYTE byPos, BYTE byType) +bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendRefinePacket(UINT byPos, BYTE byType) Client/UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp ## Das ganze Packet sollte so aussehen -bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendShopSellPacketNew(BYTE bySlot, BYTE byCount) +bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendShopSellPacketNew(UINT bySlot, BYTE byCount) +{ + if (!__CanActMainInstance()) + return true; + TPacketCGShop PacketShop; + PacketShop.header = HEADER_CG_SHOP; + PacketShop.subheader = SHOP_SUBHEADER_CG_SELL2; + if (!Send(sizeof(TPacketCGShop), &PacketShop)) + { + Tracef("SendShopSellPacket Error\n"); + return false; + } + if (!Send(sizeof(UINT), &bySlot)) + { + Tracef("SendShopAddSellPacket Error\n"); + return false; + } + if (!Send(sizeof(BYTE), &byCount)) + { + Tracef("SendShopAddSellPacket Error\n"); + return false; + } + Tracef(" SendShopSellPacketNew(bySlot=%d, byCount=%d)\n", bySlot, byCount); + return SendSequence(); +} -bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotAddPacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE type, BYTE pos) +bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotAddPacket(UINT wpos, BYTE type, UINT pos) -bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotDelPacket(BYTE pos) +bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotDelPacket(UINT pos) -bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotMovePacket(BYTE pos, BYTE change_pos) +bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotMovePacket(UINT pos, UINT change_pos) Client/UserInterface/PythonPlayer.cpp - for (BYTE i = 0; i < QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM; ++i) + for (UINT i = 0; i < QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM; ++i) - rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotMovePacket((BYTE) dwGlobalSrcSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwGlobalDstSlotIndex); + rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotMovePacket((UINT) dwGlobalSrcSlotIndex, (UINT)dwGlobalDstSlotIndex); - rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((BYTE)dwGlobalSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (BYTE)dwWndItemPos); + rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((UINT)dwGlobalSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (UINT)dwWndItemPos); - rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotDelPacket((BYTE)dwGlobalSlotIndex); + rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotDelPacket((UINT)dwGlobalSlotIndex); -void CPythonPlayer::AddQuickSlot(int QuickSlotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition) +void CPythonPlayer::AddQuickSlot(int QuickSlotIndex, char IconType, INT IconPosition) Client/UserInterface/PythonPlayer.h - void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition); + void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, INT IconPosition); Irei deixar para download a parte em python ( uiinventorywindow.py // uiinventory.py ) Download: https://mega.nz/#!alUkSSLA!4bH6hOUaFeXJOnUfOnzSZvXwju_-ZxrQiXUOVVV5ls4 Resultado Final: Créditos: Dennis Cumprimentos, Sadness.
    1 point
  15. Boas amigos. É o seguinte, eu uso o zone archiver para extarir e compilar protos 40k e entao que eu extraio o item proto, entro nele , mudo so para testar o nome da espada nivel 1 , faço tudo certo e guardo, fecho, compilo e aparece com o nome "temp.xml" e eu mudo para item proto o nome, coloco no locale no sitio certo e apago o item proto que lá estava e compilo o meu locale para meter no cliente e quando vou a entrar no jogo nao dá!!!!!!!! mudei o nome de itemproto.xml para itemproto e meti o ficheiro a chamar-se "ficheiro" no tipo de ficheiro, em vez de ser xml tentei de novo e nao deu!!!! Ao entrar no metin, na parte do login falha e aparece apenas "experiencia(..)" Agradeço a quem tente ajudar... e já agora nao consigo extrair o meu mob proto, extraio com o 40k e apenas aparece "versao (...)" em vez de tudo detalhado!!!!!! Obrigado... E, quando eu abro com notec++ o item proto ao fim de compilar ,eis o que me aparece e o ficheiro está em xml. (mas atenção que meti em xml e testei e depois meti em tipo ficheiro e testei e também nao deu, mas proto isto é apenas o que me aparece quando abro o que me dá ao fim de compilar)
    1 point
  16. Modificar Index Key Abrir o ficheiro EterPack.cpp no código-fonte do vosso binário.Procurar por: static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey[] A chave original será esta: static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey[] ={ 45129401, 92367215, 681285731, 1710201, }; Modificar os números para os que quisermos (colocar sempre o mesmo número de caracteres em cada linha consoante está no original.) Exemplo de Index key modificada: static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey[] ={ 12345678, 12345678, 123456789, 1234567, }; Modificar Pack key Abrir o ficheiro EterPack.cpp no código-fonte do vosso binário.Procurar por: static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey[] A chave original será esta: static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey[] ={ 78952482, 527348324, 1632942, 486274726, }; Modificar os números para os que quisermos (colocar sempre o mesmo número de caracteres em cada linha consoante está no original.) Exemplo de Pack key modificada: static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey[] ={ 12345678, 123456789, 1234567, 12356789, }; Modificar Item proto key Abrir o ficheiro ItemManager.cpp no código-fonte do vosso binário.Procurar por: static DWORD s_adwItemProtoKey[4] = A chave original será esta: static DWORD s_adwItemProtoKey[4] ={ 173217, 72619434, 408587239, 27973291}; Modificar os números para os que quisermos (colocar sempre o mesmo número de caracteres em cada linha consoante está no original.) Exemplo de Item proto key modificada: static DWORD s_adwItemProtoKey[4] ={ 123456, 12345678, 123456789, 12345678}; Modificar Mob proto key Abrir o ficheiro PythonNonPlayer.cpp no código-fonte do vosso binário.Procurar por: static DWORD s_adwMobProtoKey[4] = A chave original será esta: static DWORD s_adwMobProtoKey[4] ={ 4813894, 18955, 552631, 6822045}; Modificar os números para os que quisermos (colocar sempre o mesmo número de caracteres em cada linha consoante está no original.) Exemplo de Mob proto key modificada: static DWORD s_adwMobProtoKey[4] ={ 1234567, 12345, 123456, 1234567};
    1 point
  17. Introdução Olá TMoore's visto que muitos muitos querem adquirir novos conhecimentos criar seus próprios projectos, só que como algumas pessoas tem um pouco de receio de mexer sem saber e danificar algo muitos optam por sacar algo prefeito e meter online editando apenas algumas coisinhas, isso tem vindo a transformar o metin2 cada vez mais depressivo, tendo em conta que já existia um tópico semelhante do @ tierrilopes mas já não se encontra activo e ainda tendo em conta do tópico das Files TMoore Tutorials e como muitas pessoas pediram-me a source das files e não a partilhei ainda, então decide criar este tópico para vos poder explicar como criar as "vossas" próprias server files isso iria fazer com que vocês criassem algo vosso e não simplesmente sacar as files quaisquer e meter online. Claro que este tutorial não será feito todo de uma vez porque isto será um processo demorado e o mais todos claro possível para que todos possam acompanhar todos os processos sem se perder, lembrando que são livres de colocar questões sempre que possível (Apenas no tópico, não respondo a qualquer questão relacionado a este tópico caso a questão não tenha sido feita no tópico.) 1 - Ferramentas & Recursos Primeiramente vou deixar neste tutorial o link de todas as ferramentas necessárias para prosseguir com o tutorial Winscp - Link Sim é necessário ser o Winscp porque vamos trabalhar com atalhos e é mais rápido trabalhar com atalhos através do winscp do que linha de comandos e também indico o winscp porque penso que não é possível criar atalhos através do filezilla ou Bitvise (que eu saiba) Notepad++ - Link Ou Sublime Text - Link Eu pessoalmente utilizo o notepad++ com mais frequência mas existem casos em que o notepad++ não é o mais indicado, por exemplo quando edito coisas mínimas no mob_proto ou item_proto, editando com o notepad++ ocorre erros porque o notepad++ altera algumas formatações do documento. Bitvise - Link Aconselho a utilização deste software porque utilizando este software não será necessário abrir mais outro software para nos permitir conectar via sftp ou ssh isso porque esse software por si já permite fazer ambas das conexões. Navicat - Link Este software será utilizado para a gestão da base de dados. Eter Manager - Link Aconselho a utilização deste software e não o eternexus porque trabalhando com este software podemos trabalhar de uma forma mais organizada e mais rápido do que com o eternexus. Cliente Metin2PT 2014 R40K - Link Também pode ser utilizado outro cliente sendo que não aconselho porque poderá vir a surgir duvidas devido a utilização de outro cliente diferente do tutorial. Dedicado, vps ou localhost - Caso a vossa ideia seja só testar etc, sem ter objectivo de abrir o servidor ao publico podem comprar um dedicado ou uma vps numa das seguintes hospedagens: BlazingFast VPS; EterHost VPS (Não aconselho); Kimsufi "Dedicados"; Ou podem utilizar também localhost utilizando uma das seguintes ferramentas: Virtual Box, VMware, caso a vossa ideia seja começar um projeto mais avançado com o intuito de o abrir ao publico aconselho dedicados com mais potencias tais como: OVH, Soyoustart, BlazingFast Dedicados, entre outros, isso vai ser escolha vossa dependendo do que desejam e também com o montante que pretendem gastar. Poderá existir alguns software que não foram adicionados ao tópico e que também seja necessário mais a frente serão adicionados, este tópico será actualizado uma vez por dia com um novo capitulo do tutorial, lembrando que o objectivo deste tutorial é ensinar como organizar a estrutura da files e cliente, envolvendo assim tutorias de vários temas relacionados ao metin2. Nenhum conteúdo feio no tutorial será disponibilizado para download para que todos tenham de fazer por si próprio todos os conteúdos aqui desenvolvidos. ​Próxima actualização a este tópico será para falar sobre a "Organização da área de trabalho" e "instalação das ferramentas de trabalho". Obrigado ao TierriLopes pelos conhecimentos e divulgação das ferramentas a utilizar neste tutorial, Mustafa Eroğlu pelo link do Navicat, GunnerMBT pelo Eter Manager, Rafa pelo cliente Metin2Pt. Cumprimentos Dynamic Things
    1 point
  18. https://mega.nz/folder/Fo003YLZ#WGG_CMIMEb1tQf42uxj3-g
    1 point
  19. Go to file char_battle.cpp Look for: dam += GetPoint(POINT_DEF_GRADE) * (100 + GetPoint(POINT_DEF_BONUS)) / 100; Add this after: EffectPacket(SE_PENETRATE); Do this twice on the file.
    1 point
  20. reupload >> https://mega.nz/folder/98VDwapD#QBubg2K3fsy25WDqwyqBJQ
    1 point
  21. Go to file root/introcreate.py Look for: DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME = ( uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_WARRIOR_PATH, uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_ASSASSIN_PATH, Add this before: HAIR_DATA = ( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, ], ## Warrior [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ], ## Assassin [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3011, ], ## Sura [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4009, 4010, 4011, ], ## Shaman ) Look for: ########################################################### if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex: if app.GetTime() - self.reservingStartTime >= 1.5: chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText() raceIndex = self.reservingRaceIndex shapeIndex = self.reservingShapeIndex startStat = self.START_STAT[self.reservingRaceIndex] statCon = self.stat[0] - startStat[0] statInt = self.stat[1] - startStat[1] statStr = self.stat[2] - startStat[2] statDex = self.stat[3] - startStat[3] net.SendCreateCharacterPacket(chrSlot, textName, raceIndex, shapeIndex, statCon, statInt, statStr, statDex) self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 ########################################################### Replace with: ########################################################### if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex: if app.GetTime() - self.reservingStartTime >= 1.5: chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText() raceIndex = self.reservingRaceIndex shapeIndex = self.reservingShapeIndex hairIndex = self.HAIR_DATA[chr.RaceToJob(self.reservingRaceIndex)][self.hairIndex]#New hair startStat = self.START_STAT[self.reservingRaceIndex] statCon = self.stat[0] - startStat[0] statInt = self.stat[1] - startStat[1] statStr = self.stat[2] - startStat[2] statDex = self.stat[3] - startStat[3] net.SendCreateCharacterPacket(chrSlot, textName, raceIndex, shapeIndex, hairIndex, statCon, statInt, statStr, statDex) #New hair self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 ########################################################### Look for: def OverOutStatButton(self): self.toolTip.Hide() Add this after: def IncreaseHair(self): chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot) chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) if(self.hairIndex >= len(self.HAIR_DATA[chr.RaceToJob(chr.GetRace())]) - 1): return self.hairIndex += 1 chr.SetHair(self.HAIR_DATA[chr.RaceToJob(chr.GetRace())][self.hairIndex]) self.hairNumber.SetText(str(self.hairIndex)) chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) def DecreaseHair(self): chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot) chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) if(self.hairIndex == 0): return self.hairIndex -= 1 self.hairNumber.SetText(str(self.hairIndex)) chr.SetHair(self.HAIR_DATA[chr.RaceToJob(chr.GetRace())][self.hairIndex]) chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) Look for: self.btnCreate = getChild("create_button") self.btnCancel = getChild("cancel_button") self.btnPrev = getChild("prev_button") self.btnNext = getChild("next_button") self.btnLeft = getChild("left_button") self.btnRight = getChild("right_button") self.textBoard = getChild("text_board") Add this after: self.btnIncreaseHair = getChild("increase_hair") self.hairNumber = getChild("hair_number") self.btnDecreaseHair = getChild("decrease_hair") Look for: getChild("hth_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverInStatButton(arg) getChild("hth_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverOutStatButton() getChild("int_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverInStatButton(arg) getChild("int_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverOutStatButton() getChild("str_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverInStatButton(arg) getChild("str_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverOutStatButton() getChild("dex_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverInStatButton(arg) getChild("dex_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverOutStatButton() Add this after: self.btnIncreaseHair.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IncreaseHair)) self.btnDecreaseHair.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.DecreaseHair)) Look for: def Open(self): print "OPEN CREATE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 self.reservingShapeIndex = -1 Add this after: self.hairIndex = 0 Look for: def __DecreaseSlotIndex(self): Add this bellow: if(self.hairIndex > 0): for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(0, i)) chr.SetHair(0) self.hairIndex = 0 self.hairNumber.SetText(str(self.hairIndex)) for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(1, i)) chr.SetHair(0) self.hairIndex = 0 self.hairNumber.SetText(str(self.hairIndex)) Look for: def __IncreaseSlotIndex(self): Add this bellow: if(self.hairIndex > 0): for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(0, i)) chr.SetHair(0) self.hairIndex = 0 self.hairNumber.SetText(self.hairIndex) for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(1, i)) chr.SetHair(0) self.hairIndex = 0 self.hairNumber.SetText(self.hairIndex) Go to file locale/xx/ui/createcharacterwindow.py Look for: { "name" : "shape_button_02", "type" : "radio_button", "x" : 139, "y" : 239 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT, "text" : "2", "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_01.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_02.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_03.sub", }, Add this after: { "name" : "increase_hair", "type" : "button", "x" : 81, "y" : 239 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT + 25, "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub", "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub", "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub", }, { "name" : "hair_number", "type" : "text", "x" : 110, "y" : 239 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT + 25, "text" : "0", }, { "name" : "character_hairstyle", "type" : "text", "x" : 43, "y" : 293, "text" : "HairStyle", "text_horizontal_align" : "center", }, { "name" : "decrease_hair", "type" : "button", "x" : 139, "y" : 239 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT + 25, "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_minus_up.sub", "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_minus_over.sub", "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_minus_down.sub", }, On this 2 functions: "name" : "create_button", "name" : "cancel_button", Look for: "y" : 265 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT, Change with: "y" : 285 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT, Go to UserInterface/Packet.h Look for: typedef struct command_player_create { BYTE header; BYTE index; char name[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1]; WORD job; BYTE shape; BYTE CON; BYTE INT; BYTE STR; BYTE DEX; } TPacketCGCreateCharacter; Replace with: typedef struct command_player_create { BYTE header; BYTE index; char name[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1]; WORD job; BYTE shape; WORD hair; BYTE CON; BYTE INT; BYTE STR; BYTE DEX; } TPacketCGCreateCharacter; Go to UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseSelect.cpp Look for: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendCreateCharacterPacket (BYTE index, const char *name, BYTE job, BYTE shape, BYTE byCON, BYTE byINT, BYTE bySTR, BYTE byDEX) { TPacketCGCreateCharacter createCharacterPacket; createCharacterPacket.header = HEADER_CG_PLAYER_CREATE; createCharacterPacket.index = index; strncpy (createCharacterPacket.name, name, CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN); createCharacterPacket.job = job; createCharacterPacket.shape = shape; createCharacterPacket.CON = byCON; createCharacterPacket.INT = byINT; createCharacterPacket.STR = bySTR; createCharacterPacket.DEX = byDEX; Replace with: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendCreateCharacterPacket(BYTE index, const char *name, BYTE job, BYTE shape,WORD wHair, BYTE byCON, BYTE byINT, BYTE bySTR, BYTE byDEX) { TPacketCGCreateCharacter createCharacterPacket; createCharacterPacket.header = HEADER_CG_PLAYER_CREATE; createCharacterPacket.index = index; strncpy(createCharacterPacket.name, name, CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN); createCharacterPacket.job = job; createCharacterPacket.shape = shape; createCharacterPacket.hair = wHair; createCharacterPacket.CON = byCON; createCharacterPacket.INT = byINT; createCharacterPacket.STR = bySTR; createCharacterPacket.DEX = byDEX; Go to UserInterface/PythonNetworkStream.h Look for: bool SendCreateCharacterPacket (BYTE index, const char *name, BYTE job, BYTE shape, BYTE byStat1, BYTE byStat2, BYTE byStat3, BYTE byStat4); Replace with: bool SendCreateCharacterPacket(BYTE index, const char *name, BYTE job, BYTE shape, WORD wHair, BYTE byStat1, BYTE byStat2, BYTE byStat3, BYTE byStat4); Go to UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamModule.cpp Look for: PyObject *netSendCreateCharacterPacket (PyObject *poSelf, PyObject *poArgs) { int index; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger (poArgs, 0, &index)) { return Py_BuildException(); } char *name; if (!PyTuple_GetString (poArgs, 1, &name)) { return Py_BuildException(); } int job; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger (poArgs, 2, &job)) { return Py_BuildException(); } int shape; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger (poArgs, 3, &shape)) { return Py_BuildException(); } int stat1; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger (poArgs, 4, &stat1)) { return Py_BuildException(); } int stat2; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger (poArgs, 5, &stat2)) { return Py_BuildException(); } int stat3; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger (poArgs, 6, &stat3)) { return Py_BuildException(); } int stat4; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger (poArgs, 7, &stat4)) { return Py_BuildException(); } if (index < 0 && index > 3) { return Py_BuildException(); } CPythonNetworkStream &rkNetStream = CPythonNetworkStream::Instance(); rkNetStream.SendCreateCharacterPacket ((BYTE) index, name, (BYTE) job, (BYTE) shape, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4); return Py_BuildNone(); } Replace with: PyObject* netSendCreateCharacterPacket(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { int index; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 0, &index)) return Py_BuildException(); char* name; if (!PyTuple_GetString(poArgs, 1, &name)) return Py_BuildException(); int job; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 2, &job)) return Py_BuildException(); int shape; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 3, &shape)) return Py_BuildException(); int hair; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 4, &hair)) return Py_BuildException(); int stat1; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 5, &stat1)) return Py_BuildException(); int stat2; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 6, &stat2)) return Py_BuildException(); int stat3; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 7, &stat3)) return Py_BuildException(); int stat4; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 8, &stat4)) return Py_BuildException(); if (index<0 && index>3) return Py_BuildException(); CPythonNetworkStream& rkNetStream=CPythonNetworkStream::Instance(); rkNetStream.SendCreateCharacterPacket((BYTE)index, name, (BYTE)job, (BYTE)shape, (WORD)hair, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4); return Py_BuildNone(); } Go to game/src/Packet.h Look for: typedef struct command_player_create { BYTE header; BYTE index; char name[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1]; WORD job; BYTE shape; BYTE Con; BYTE Int; BYTE Str; BYTE Dex; } TPacketCGPlayerCreate; Replace with: typedef struct command_player_create { BYTE header; BYTE index; char name[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1]; WORD job; BYTE shape; WORD hair; BYTE Con; BYTE Int; BYTE Str; BYTE Dex; } TPacketCGPlayerCreate; Go to db/src/ClientManagerPlayer.cpp Inside: void CClientManager::__QUERY_PLAYER_CREATE(CPeer *peer, DWORD dwHandle, TPlayerCreatePacket* packet) This is default query. Please check your query of your source and adjust according. Look for: queryLen = snprintf(queryStr, sizeof(queryStr), "INSERT INTO player%s " "(id, account_id, name, level, st, ht, dx, iq, " "job, voice, dir, x, y, z, " "hp, mp, random_hp, random_sp, stat_point, stamina, part_base, part_main, part_hair, gold, playtime, " "skill_level, quickslot) " "VALUES(0, %u, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, " "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, " "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0, %d, 0, ", GetTablePostfix(), packet->account_id, packet->player_table.name, packet->player_table.level, packet->player_table.st, packet->player_table.ht, packet->player_table.dx, packet->player_table.iq, packet->player_table.job, packet->player_table.voice, packet->player_table.dir, packet->player_table.x, packet->player_table.y, packet->player_table.z, packet->player_table.hp, packet->player_table.sp, packet->player_table.sRandomHP, packet->player_table.sRandomSP, packet->player_table.stat_point, packet->player_table.stamina, packet->player_table.part_base, packet->player_table.part_base, packet->player_table.gold); sys_log(0, "PlayerCreate accountid %d name %s level %d gold %d, st %d ht %d job %d", packet->account_id, packet->player_table.name, packet->player_table.level, packet->player_table.gold, packet->player_table.st, packet->player_table.ht, packet->player_table.job); Replace with: queryLen = snprintf(queryStr, sizeof(queryStr), "INSERT INTO player%s " "(id, account_id, name, level, st, ht, dx, iq, " "job, voice, dir, x, y, z, " "hp, mp, random_hp, random_sp, stat_point, stamina, part_base, part_main, part_hair, gold, playtime, " "skill_level, quickslot) " "VALUES(0, %u, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, " "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, " "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0, ", GetTablePostfix(), packet->account_id, packet->player_table.name, packet->player_table.level, packet->player_table.st, packet->player_table.ht, packet->player_table.dx, packet->player_table.iq, packet->player_table.job, packet->player_table.voice, packet->player_table.dir, packet->player_table.x, packet->player_table.y, packet->player_table.z, packet->player_table.hp, packet->player_table.sp, packet->player_table.sRandomHP, packet->player_table.sRandomSP, packet->player_table.stat_point, packet->player_table.stamina, packet->player_table.part_base, packet->player_table.part_base, packet->player_table.parts[PART_HAIR], packet->player_table.gold); sys_log(0, "PlayerCreate accountid %d name %s level %d gold %d, st %d ht %d job %d hair %d", packet->account_id, packet->player_table.name, packet->player_table.level, packet->player_table.gold, packet->player_table.st, packet->player_table.ht, packet->player_table.job, packet->player_table.parts[PART_HAIR]); Look for: pack.player.wMainPart = packet->player_table.part_base; Add after: pack.player.wHairPart = packet->player_table.parts[PART_HAIR]; Go to game/src/input_login.cpp Look for: bool NewPlayerTable2(TPlayerTable * table, const char * name, BYTE race, BYTE shape, BYTE bEmpire) Replace with: bool NewPlayerTable2(TPlayerTable * table, const char * name, BYTE race, BYTE shape, WORD hair, BYTE bEmpire) Look for: table->part_base = shape; Add after: table->parts[PART_HAIR] = hair; Look for: void CInputLogin::CharacterCreate(LPDESC d, const char * data) { struct command_player_create * pinfo = (struct command_player_create *) data; TPlayerCreatePacket player_create_packet; sys_log(0, "PlayerCreate: name %s pos %d job %d shape %d", pinfo->name, pinfo->index, pinfo->job, pinfo->shape); Replace with: void CInputLogin::CharacterCreate(LPDESC d, const char * data) { struct command_player_create * pinfo = (struct command_player_create *) data; TPlayerCreatePacket player_create_packet; sys_log(0, "PlayerCreate: name %s pos %d job %d shape %d hair %d", pinfo->name, pinfo->index, pinfo->job, pinfo->shape, pinfo->hair); Look for: if (!NewPlayerTable2(&player_create_packet.player_table, pinfo->name, pinfo->job, pinfo->shape, d->GetEmpire())) Replace with: if (!NewPlayerTable2(&player_create_packet.player_table, pinfo->name, pinfo->job, pinfo->shape, pinfo->hair, d->GetEmpire()))
    1 point
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    1 point
  23. Boas comunidade, venho compartilhar uma nova serverfiles, contem alguns sistemas, deixando claro que não são de minha autoria, somente estou a compartilhar. Loja Offline, Troca Canal, SwitchBoot, Crafts e muito + ------------------------------------------------ Navicat: asilzade Link Download https://www.dosyaupload.com/6thk quem puder efetuar outro upload solicitamos para administração anexar no post. Desfrutem !
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    1 point
  27. 5th Race (Lycan) * you can choose whether to enable or disable it * Offline store Energy system Search for Item In Stores * Applies to both normal and offline markets * Belts System 4 Available inventories morals Mounts * Slot costume * Costume weapon Alchemy system Level next to mobs Dice system 7-8 Skill * you can choose whether to enable or disable * 5 character accounts for each! Stola * available with item_scale.txt * Anti-magic stone Base of trade + level * visible next to aggressive mobs Corrija item_air para o item-shop: ClientManager.cpp -> ativado na linha 3235 a atualização do item_award: #define ENABLE_ITEMAWARD_REFRESH Quest Fix: https://mega.nz/#!R0hiEALQ!FrZ2jJfYAz2eCZp354CrSReEmior_guMrx4aIPUaAzs https://mega.nz/#!FpoBmKKA!Bn4wBEAUBEJ9kkLOCN8KwGRZ8Aumzdvqy3pctlbmPmE https://mega.nz/#!JhAliALT!BA9Ex-cREHevbGXyYTQqWhIclCeEw1kH0f7-HWnf3yQ https://mega.nz/#!lhRzVArB!jOT9o8_cuMphhN6Fj5qxJ8eaNk80KLt5z4cV_gNYADY https://mega.nz/#!MhYRUIDY!ZYVynP78aD9ovAKP-iZlQNbm1jvq7voexBuoeQnif68 (Extra Systems) https://mega.nz/#!50AwmaZL!AUgwGIEF-TbQRvAQorzFlgHsSM_V2vI7XFTCf2wHfWE -7&8 skills -Bar & Decimal Target -Okey cards -Cerca_item -Change CH -New graphic -New business -Offline shop -Pet System -Stole -Target information system Efeito Crítico: https://mega.nz/#!YkQRxITS!-U-Bpa6UAXG045MqQA7pTh6Uxkdvla4DCWe67yfHQ8A Credits: Othon
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  28. Design Exclusivo Mt2Reborn. Design e programação: Anderson Fabris Download: Clique Aqui
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  29. Visulizar Arquivo Best Production V4 Informações: tlthings.net Características: Autor CAMBOJA Enviado 17/08/2018 Categoria Serverfiles
    1 point
  30. https://mega.nz/#F!g9AWQT5K!xy0W8RJsnCRTSpVwk-Oz0Q
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  31. Azuris serverfiles + source View File Informações: tlthings.net Submitter Tierri Lopes Submitted 08/17/18 Category Serverfiles
    1 point
  32. https://mega.nz/#!XBo1DR6b!6uYTNXaqc9EItEmWQMR-jpBz_NE6vSxuXbcqQtj02Dk https://mega.nz/#!Wcp2RASY!zrjnPBcsyDKO4xTGIvGEbzLVYW-vLtIqOiS2taYsxsA https://mega.nz/#!HcZwELZS!R49RGPebq9lGRcF2okKJ1QgLmr_5cv9WP8R4EJz6E4M https://mega.nz/#!OQBjVABY!3uqYiffdkJ389FjCJBPjBkPqazi0kgjrOEiXSUkVRWA
    1 point
  33. LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwI-ze23YyIIb1g2RDJoX2lQZlk http://prntscr.com/ipujou
    1 point
  34. Amigo, quando você extrai o proto ele cria sim um XML, mas quando você for compilar tem que selecionar de novo o XML, e o Zone vai criar um Item_proto_nuevo e voce renomeia para item_proto e pronto
    1 point
  35. Deixo aqui a lista de correções aplicada por mim no passado: Problema com Shura - Resolvido. Problema com Pets - Resolvido. Problema com Anti-Hacks - Resolvido. Problema com DC syshack - Resolvido. Problema com Injection SQL - Resolvido. Sistema de Pets Attack by Ivan Santos - Removido. Todos os bugs principais da source mainline - Resolvido.
    1 point
  36. Problemas detectados: gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target '.obj/attr_transfer.o', needed by '../game_r41040'. Stop. Solução: Remover attr_transfer.cpp da Makefile em game/src Erro ao ligar db: Assertion failed: (index < row->size()), function AsStringByIndex, file CsvReader.cpp, line 395. Abort (core dumped) Solução: Tem de ser adaptada ferramenta para descompactar protos. FreeBSD9.3 com files e source instalados. Localização /server e /server/source Informações: user:root password:tlthings MySQL remote user: db_admin_user MySQL remote password: l5vnAsh66VawX9xC6z8iSnK3byyyAFYoBzYp88urP8MDhhFTkapLjMA2u0WsfTUv Link de download: GoogleDrive
    1 point
  37. Falta update 1.8 que saio recentemente Abraço só não consegui obter o game/db
    1 point
  38. alguém ja testou estas files? eu fiz download e isto foi modificado pela ultima vez em 2015..... (o game é de 25/05/2015) acho que nem as vou montar mas obrigado por partilhares.
    1 point
  39. estas files são pagas? no final diz comprar mas esta ai o link do mega! obrigado por partilhares
    1 point
  40. As tierri said the mysql folder is infected. Anyways, the serverfiles run smoothly. They have some nice systems(A lot more than the ones in pictures), which has a high chance of having bugs, if the creator used public releases. I would recommend them to people who know how to deal with bugs(C++/Python), those serverfiles are perfect for them Regards, Sonitex
    1 point
  41. Aqui está o link no MEGA atualizado: https://mega.nz/#F!q1YAQQjB!yvtCkpHqd8c0WsJtfxZGMA Upload por mim, se deixar de funcionar avisem...
    1 point
  42. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwI-ze23YyIIb1g2RDJoX2lQZlk espero ter ajudado ! fonte: www.freakgamers.org
    1 point
  43. Boas Pessoal, Trago aqui hoje umas files que encontrei que contém source e Binário. Quase que poderemos dizer que trás mesmo o que todos procuramos nos dias de hoje. Ainda não testei, vou testar. Se alguém já conhecer ou assim poderá comentar a dizer o que acha delas. Informação das Files modificados: Algumas imagens: Link das Files: Link da Source+Binario: Link do Cliente: Informacão para aceder ao Navicat: Fonte: Cumpz
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Algumas correcções ao tutorial: def demirstartgame(self): net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(str(constInfo.demir startgame)) Correcto: def demirstartgame(self): net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(str(constInfo.demirstartgame)) procuramos por self.buttonDict[localeinfo.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) Debaixo adiciona mos: Este é para os clientes 40k self.buttonDict[localeinfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.demirwsgame)) self.buttonDict[localeinfo.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.demirgogame)) self.buttonDict[localeinfo.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.demirgogame)) Correcto: Procurar : self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) E substituir por: self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.demirwsgame)) self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.demirgogame)) self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.demirgogame)) Agora procura mos por: def OnPVP(self) Debaixo adiciona mos: def demirwsgame(self): net.SendChatPacket("/pvp %d" % (self.vid)) constInfo.demirstartgame = self.vid event.QuestButtonClick(constInfo.demirvidgame) def demirgogame(self): constInfo.demirstartgame = self.vid event.QuestButtonClick(constInfo.demirvid) Correcto: Agora procura mos por: def OnPVP(self): net.SendChatPacket("/pvp %d" % (self.vid)) E substituirmos por: def demirwsgame(self): net.SendChatPacket("/pvp %d" % (self.vid)) constInfo.demirstartgame = self.vid event.QuestButtonClick(constInfo.demirvidgame) def demirgogame(self): constInfo.demirstartgame = self.vid event.QuestButtonClick(constInfo.demirvid) Legendas: Letras a vermelho = Onde ouve erro no tutorial Letras a Verde = Onde ouve a correcção ao tutorial. Cumprimentos Dynamic Things
    1 point
  46. Mandem as imagens que faço os efeitos.
    1 point
  47. Só falta alterar os efeitos para uns traduzidos e tá malha
    1 point
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