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Duvida sobre reinos metin2


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Hi there.



#Search for this:

self.empireID=app.GetRandom(1, 3)

#Edit like this:

self.empireID=app.GetRandom(1, 2)

#Search for this:

		self.empireAreaCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireAreaDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireAreaFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
#Edit like this:

		self.empireAreaCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireAreaDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireAreaFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
		self.empireFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 }
#Search for this and delete:

		self.empireArea[net.EMPIRE_B]	= GetObject("EmpireArea_B")
  		self.empireAreaFlag[net.EMPIRE_B]	= GetObject("EmpireAreaFlag_B")
    	self.empireFlag[net.EMPIRE_B]	= GetObject("EmpireFlag_B")
#Search for this:

#Edit like this:
#Search for this:

		if self.empireID>3:
#Edit like this:

		if self.empireID>2:
#Open your SelectEmpireWindow.py in locale or uiscript whatever you use.

#Search for this objects:

#And delete them! :) 

For the change Empire Lua you just have to change the args i guess or edit the locale.lua i don't know what kind of Lua you use so if you have any trouble with it, just post it for me and im going to tell you, what you need to edit for that part.


In my opinion its just pointless to delete the empire from the Source because you can limit this part in Python and Lua so perfectly.

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