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[dúvida] montada não têm animação de ataque / têm animação mas não saca dano


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Montaria que tem animação de ataque e não saca danos.


Vá na source/src/game em char_skill.cpp e localize : if(GetMountVnum()) pra adicionar danos de skills, agora pra adicionar danos de ataque com arma vá em pvp.cpp e localize : switch( pkChr->GetMountVnum() ) nesta linha basta você adicionar a montaria, depois disso vá no cliente source e localize : DWORD mount = m_pkActor->GetRace();

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Quanto a isso não procurei bem, mas supostamente tens de possuir este três ficheiros:


  • 3dmotion.ini
  • immidaite.ini
  • mountmotion.ini



Few tips:- mount types to work properly in animation (to not stand on mount) must fit between 800000-899000 types = which means max 100 different types of mounts can exist on server with proper animation working ... So ensure you did not go over this (most important part for mountmotion.ini)!- Spend day or two to scan how other mounts are made in all require ini files- then when you notice relations and standards ...you will be ready to go ahead with own ... and you wont need to ask for questions... (if you wanna learn then do it by mistakes and examples and maybe some already released guides - and be sure that pretty everything is released that could provide to making what you need)...- last time - ensure that your animation files like 3dmotion.ini cover important parts for new weapons - if you add such a (or using server files that did this!)...


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