[Admin] tierrilopes Posted December 11, 2015 at 06:02 PM Share Posted December 11, 2015 at 06:02 PM ------------------------------------------------------COLLECT QUEST_lv96--METIN2 Collection quest----------------------------------------------------quest collect_quest_lv96 begin state start begin end state run begin when login or levelup with pc.level >= 96 begin set_state(information) end end state information begin when letter begin local v = find_npc_by_vnum(20091) if v != 0 then target.vid("__TARGET__", v, "Seon-Pyeong") end q.set_icon("scroll_open_green.tga") send_letter("&Seon-Pyeong's strange hobby") end when button or info begin say_title("Seon-Pyeong's strange hobby") say("") say("Seon-Pyeong in Dragon Valley") say("is looking for you.") say("Please find out what is going on.") say("") end when __TARGET__.target.click or 20091.chat."Weapon collecter Seon-Pyeong" begin target.delete("__TARGET__") --- l say("Seon-Pyeong") say("Oh.. Brave warrior! I was looking for you") say("to get you help!! ") say("Please help me! ") say("I have heard that monsters in Heaven Lair ") say("have gems for weapon research! ") say("") wait() say("Seon-Pyeong") say("The gems must be the perfect one~! ") say("I will evaluate if you can bring me~!") say("You must bring it! ") say("The gem I need is Blue sky gem,") say("And i need 10 of them!") say("Please!") say("") set_state(go_to_disciple) pc.setqf("duration",0) -- Time limit pc.setqf("collect_count",0)--Items collected pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) --quest potion 1 end end state go_to_disciple begin when letter begin send_letter("&Seon-Pyeong's strange hobby") end when button or info begin say_title("Get Blue sky gems") --- l say("Weapon collector Seon-Pyeong") say("is collecting gems for weapon research.") say("The gems can be collected from ") say("Zin-Heaven Archer and Zin-Heaven Commander") say_item_vnum(30253) say_reward("Currently".." "..pc.getqf("collect_count").." gems collected.") say("") end when 71035.use or 76020.use begin if get_time() < pc.getqf("duration") then syschat("You can not use the Quest Potion yet.") return end if pc.getqf("drink_drug")==1 then syschat("You already used it.") return end if pc.count_item(30253)==0 then syschat("You can use the Quest Potion once you got a Blue Sky Gem.") return end item.remove() pc.setqf("drink_drug",1) end when 2412.kill or 2414.kill begin local s = number(1, 100) if s <= 1 then pc.give_item2(30253, 1) send_letter("&You have obtained the Blue Sky Gem!") end end when 20091.chat."Did you bring the blue sky gem? " with pc.count_item(30253) >0 begin if get_time() > pc.getqf("duration") then if pc.count_item(30253) > 0 then say("Seon-Pyeong") say("Oh!! You have brought...") say("Let me take a look at this...") say("Please wait a moment...") say("") pc.remove_item(30253, 1) if is_test_server() then pc.setqf("duration",get_time()+2) else pc.setqf("duration",get_time()+60*60*6) -----------------------------------6hours end wait() local pass_percent if pc.getqf("drink_drug")==0 then pass_percent=25 else pass_percent=70 end local s= number(1,100) if s<= pass_percent then if pc.getqf("collect_count") < 9 then --Less than 10 local index =pc.getqf("collect_count")+1 pc.setqf("collect_count",index) --Got --, give +1 say("Seon-Pyeong:") say("OhOh!! Excellent! You did a great job...") say("Now you need to bring".." "..10-pc.getqf("collect_count").. " more~!!") say("Keep up the good work!") say("") pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) --Potion reset return end while true do say_title("Seon-Pyeong:") say("") say("You have collected all 10!") say("This is your reward!") say("Please choose:") say("") s3 = select("Health +3000","Defence +700","Attack +300") if 1== s3 then if pc.getf("collect_quest_lv92","block_id") == 1 or pc.getf("collect_quest_lv94","block_id") == 1 then say_white("You can not pick the same reward twice.") wait() else affect.add_collect(1, 3000, 60*60*24*365*60) --hp+3000 hp is 1 pc.setf("collect_quest_lv96","block_id",1) break end elseif 2== s3 then if pc.getf("collect_quest_lv92","block_id") == 2 or pc.getf("collect_quest_lv94","block_id") == 2 then say_white("You can not pick the same reward twice.") wait() else affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 700, 60*60*24*365*60) pc.setf("collect_quest_lv96","block_id",2) break end else if pc.getf("collect_quest_lv92","block_id") == 3 or pc.getf("collect_quest_lv94","block_id") == 3 then say_white("You can not pick the same reward twice.") wait() else affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS,300,60*60*24*365*60)--60years pc.setf("collect_quest_lv96","block_id",3) break end end end pc.setqf("collect_count",0) pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) pc.setqf("duration",0) clear_letter() set_state(__complete2__) return else say("Seon-Pyeong:") say("I am sorry but this is a fake one..") say("Please get me another one") say("") pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) --Potion reset return end else say("Chaegirab:") say("") say("Please come when you find "..item_name(30253)..".") return end else local hoursleft = math.ceil((pc.getqf("duration")-get_time())/60/60) say("Seon-Pyeong:") say("I'm so sorry....") say("I haven't analyzed them you gave me last time") say("Hmm, can you bring it later, in") say("around "..hoursleft.." hours?") say("") return end endend state __complete begin end state __complete2__ begin endend collect_quest_lv96.quest Link to comment
Devil Posted November 28, 2016 at 01:50 PM Share Posted November 28, 2016 at 01:50 PM bem já que a baixei e já a traduzi e dei uns retoques baseado na missao lvl 94 do tierri, aqui deixo a quest já traduzida: http://www21.zippyshare.com/v/z5dcP6ai/file.html não verifiquei tudo ao pormenor mas penso que está bem. qualquer coisa avisem sff. ---------------------------------------------------- --COLLECT QUEST_lv96 --METIN2 Collection quest ---------------------------------------------------- quest collect_quest_lv96 begin state start begin end state run begin when login or levelup with pc.level >= 96 begin set_state(information) end end state information begin when letter begin local v = find_npc_by_vnum(20091) if v != 0 then target.vid("__TARGET__", v, "Seon-Pyeong") end q.set_icon("scroll_open_green.tga") send_letter("Pesquisa de Seon-Pyeong") end when button or info begin say_title("Pesquisa de Seon-Pyeong") say("") say("Seon-Pyeong está no Vale Seungryong") say("à tua procura.") say("Vai ver o que se passa.") say("") end when __TARGET__.target.click or 20091.chat."Weapon collecter Seon-Pyeong" begin target.delete("__TARGET__") --- l say_title("Seon-Pyeong:") say("") say("Oh.. Bravo Guerreiro! Estava à tua procura!") say("Preciso que me ajudes, os monstros da Gruta das Almas têm") say("jóias importantes para me ajudar na minha pesquisa!") say("") say("") wait() say_title("Seon-Pyeong:") say("") say("As jóias têm que ser perfeitas!") say("Quando me trouxeres uma eu avalio-as!"") say("Por favor, traz-me 10 Jóia da Lealdade!") say("") set_state(go_to_disciple) pc.setqf("duration",0) -- Time limit pc.setqf("collect_count",0)--Items collected pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) --quest potion 1 end end state go_to_disciple begin when letter begin send_letter("Pesquisa de Seon-Pyeong"") end when button or info begin say_title("Jóia da Lealdade") --- l say("Seon-Pyeong, precisa que colecciones") say("Jóias da Lealdade para ajudar com a pesquisa dele.") say("Estas jóias podem ser arranjadas nos seguintes monstros:") say("Arqueira Setaou | Comandante Setaou") say_item_vnum(30253) say_reward("Currently".." "..pc.getqf("collect_count").." gems collected.") say("") end when 71035.use or 76020.use begin if get_time() < pc.getqf("duration") then syschat("Ainda não podes.") return end if pc.getqf("drink_drug")==1 then syschat("Já usas-te.") return end if pc.count_item(30253)==0 then syschat("Poderás usar quando tiveres os Jóias da Lealdade.") return end item.remove() pc.setqf("drink_drug",1) end when 2412.kill or 2414.kill begin local s = number(1, 100) if s <= 1 then pc.give_item2(30253, 1) send_letter("Obtives-te Jóia da Lealdade!") end end when 20091.chat."Trouxes-te a Jóia da Lealdade?? " with pc.count_item(30253) >0 begin if get_time() > pc.getqf("duration") then if pc.count_item(30253) > 0 then say("Seon-Pyeong:") say("Oh!! Trouxes-te-me uma...") say("Um momento...") say("Tenho que a verificar...") say("") pc.remove_item(30253, 1) if is_test_server() then pc.setqf("duration",get_time()+2) else pc.setqf("duration",get_time()+60*60*6) -----------------------------------6hours end wait() local pass_percent if pc.getqf("drink_drug")==0 then pass_percent=25 else pass_percent=70 end local s= number(1,100) if s<= pass_percent then if pc.getqf("collect_count") < 9 then --Less than 10 local index =pc.getqf("collect_count")+1 pc.setqf("collect_count",index) --Got --, give +1 say("Seon-Pyeong:") say("Oh, Oh!! Excelente! Fizes-te um óptimo trabalho...") say("Só precisa de trazer mais".." "..10-pc.getqf("collect_count").. " more~!!") say("Continua assim!") say("") pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) --Potion reset return end while true do say_title("Seon-Pyeong:") say("") say("Entregas-te todas as 10!") say("Escolhe bem qual das recompensas queres!") say("Não poderás escolher o mesmo bónus duas vezes!") say("") s3 = select("Max VD +3000","Defesa +700","Valor Ataque +300") if 1== s3 then if pc.getf("collect_quest_lv92","block_id") == 1 or pc.getf("collect_quest_lv94","block_id") == 1 then say_white("Não podes escolher o mesmo bónus duas vezes.") wait() else affect.add_collect(1, 3000, 60*60*24*365*60) --hp+3000 hp is 1 pc.setf("collect_quest_lv96","block_id",1) break end elseif 2== s3 then if pc.getf("collect_quest_lv92","block_id") == 2 or pc.getf("collect_quest_lv94","block_id") == 2 then say_white("Não podes escolher o mesmo bónus duas vezes.") wait() else affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 700, 60*60*24*365*60) pc.setf("collect_quest_lv96","block_id",2) break end else if pc.getf("collect_quest_lv92","block_id") == 3 or pc.getf("collect_quest_lv94","block_id") == 3 then say_white("Não podes escolher o mesmo bónus duas vezes.") wait() else affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS,300,60*60*24*365*60)--60years pc.setf("collect_quest_lv96","block_id",3) break end end end pc.setqf("collect_count",0) pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) pc.setqf("duration",0) clear_letter() set_state(__complete2__) return else say("Seon-Pyeong:") say("Este não serve...") say("Por favor traz-me outro.") say("") pc.setqf("drink_drug",0) --Potion reset return end else say_title("Seon-Pyeong:") say("Volta quando encontrares: "..item_name(30253)..".") return end else local hoursleft = math.ceil((pc.getqf("duration")-get_time())/60/60) say("Seon-Pyeong:") say("Ainda não acabei de analisar o último..") say("Poderias trazer isso") say("daqui a "..hoursleft.." horas?") say("") return end end end state __complete begin end state __complete2__ begin end end Link to comment
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