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  1. Can someone tell me what I did wrong in the quest? when trying to load it, it stays locked in this part: ./qc inventario_teleport.lua QUEST : inventario_teleport STATE : start WHEN : login WHEN : button or WHEN : info Quest: quest inventario_teleport begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat("Teleport "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when button or info begin say_title("Anillo teletransportador:")  say("A que mapa deseas teletransportarte?") say("") local s = select("Imperios","Regiones Forestales","Cuevas de Arañas","Zonas de Atlantea","Otras Regiones","Mapas de Leveo","Cerrar") if s == 1 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local ss = select("Reino Shinsoo","Reino Chunjo","Reino Jinno","Cerrar") if ss == 1 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local ciudades = select("Ciudad 1","Ciudad 2","Cerrar") if ciudades == 1 then pc.warp(473900,954600) elseif ciudades == 2 then pc.warp(352300,882700) end elseif ss == 2 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:")  say("") local citys = select("Ciudad 1","Ciudad 2","Cerrar") if citys == 1 then pc.warp(63200,166700) elseif citys == 2 then pc.warp(145700,239800) end elseif ss == 3 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local citys = select("Ciudad 1","Ciudad 2","Cerrar") if citys == 1 then pc.warp(959600,269700) elseif citys == 2 then pc.warp(863800,246000) end end elseif s == 2 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local sss = select("Bosque","Bosque Rojo (Inicio)","Bosque Rojo (Final)","Cerrar")  if sss == 1 then pc.warp(288700,5700) elseif sss == 2 then pc.warp(1119900,70800) elseif sss == 3 then pc.warp(1118100,8600) end elseif s == 3 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local zindan = select("Caverna de Arañas (V1)","Caverna de Arañas (V2)","Cerrar") if zindan == 1 then pc.warp(59800,497300) elseif zindan == 2 then pc.warp(704100,521900) end elseif s == 4 then  say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local atlantea = select("Gruta del Exilio (40)","Sala del Dragón (70)","Cerrar") if atlantea == 1 then if pc.get_level() < 40 then pc.warp(0,1203200) elseif atlantea == 2 then if pc.get_level() < 80 then pc.warp(819200,1049600) end elseif s == 5 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local sssssss = select("Valle de Seungryong","Monte Sohan","Desierto Yongbi","Tierra de Fuego","Tierra de Gigantes","Torre de Demonios","Cerrar") if sssssss == 1 then pc.warp(336000,755600) elseif sssssss == 2 then pc.warp(436400,215600) elseif sssssss == 3 then pc.warp(296800,547400) elseif sssssss == 4 then  pc.warp(600800,687400) elseif sssssss == 5 then pc.warp(829900,763300) elseif sssssss == 6 then pc.warp(590500,110500) end elseif s == 6 then say_title("Anillo teletransportador:") say("") local sssssss = select("Acantilado de Gautama (90)","Bahía Nefrite (90)","Cabo del Dragón (90)","Cerrar") if sssssss == 1 then if pc.get_level() < 90 then pc.warp(1177600,1664000) elseif sssssss == 2 then if pc.get_level() < 90 then pc.warp(1049600,1510400) elseif sssssss == 3 then if pc.get_level() < 90 then  pc.warp(1024000,1664000) end elseif s == 7 then end end end end
  2. Mount it in VirtualBox but it does not work to connect WinSCP
  3. Hi, I have an error installing everything to compile source in FreeBSD 11.1. When executing the command cd /usr/ports/devel/libc++ && make install clean BATCH="YES" I get an error and does not install the necessary package, I would like to know how to solve this error. Error image: https://ibb.co/fg01GJ http://oi63.tinypic.com/17tgu0.jpg Thanks in advance!
  4. Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file. :c
  5. It is that I format my pc and I have lost the file :/
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